Chapter 7

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{*} Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow {*}


I slowly opened my eyes, I instantly remember what happened, I shot up from the bed and saw my friends,Sirius,Remus,Tonks,Arthur and Molly sitting different places in the room.

Hermione was the first one to notice that I was awake and rushed over to me. "Y/n, your awake" she said and everyone else also made their way over to me.

"Y/n you have to tell us what happened, and why you ran away" Arthur said as if it was the end of the world if I didn't tell him.

I took a deep breath and started, "well that time in fourth year when Voldemort took me, he used a spell on me so he could, control me in some sort of way, well not control me but" I trailed off looking for a proper word.

"Talk to you through your thoughts?" Sirius asked me, wow how would he know?

"Well yeah" I said still kinda confused, "so his face, sort of appeared on the sky, he talked to me and then it just went black" I finished even more confused than before.

"We know Y/n, Remus,Sirius,Tonks and us all heard" Ron said looking me in the eyes. "You heard it all?" I asked sitting up.

"All of it" The twins said in unison. Dammit, "sooo?" I said trying to break up the awkwardness.
"Go to bed kids, you'll go to Hogwarts tomorrow" Sirius said and they began to walk out.

I didn't sleep the whole night, I just couldn't, don't ask me why tho.

The next morning I woke up before everyone else so I walked down to the kitchen. "What's up kiddo?" I heard a voice behind me and jumped.

I was relieved when I saw Sirius standing behind me. "Oh you gave me a shock" I said nervously. "Oh sorry" he said and chuckled lightly.

"But before you ran off yesterday what were you gonna say?" He asked me, I could tell he didn't know if it was a good idea, but I trust him.

"Yeah, that" I trailed off before beginning. "Well it's just my mom and dad have always been, uhm, hard on me, beaten me up and used some unforgivable spells on me, they called me a lot of names and this summer was no different"

Sirius looked, understanding, in some kind of way. "Oh, I'm really sorry to hear Y/n, but I have to ask, yesterday when you, well, talked with your dad, you said something about him trying to kill you?" Sirius asked sounding both worried and confused.

"Oh well when I was younger he tried to kill me, with Avada Kedavra and well it was like, like there was some sort of shield to protect me so I only have a scar" I said lifting up my blouse so that he could see my scar.

He looked shocked and touched my scar lightly with his hand. "The girl who live huh?" He jokes and we both laughed at it.

We hugged each other but someone came up behind us "what's going on here?" It was Harry.

"Oh we just" I looked over at Sirius and we smiled at each other "talked" I finished smiling at Harry.

We currently was at the train station waiting for Harry and Sirius to stop talking.

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