Chapter 4

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{*} 'Tell them, tell them all I know now' {*}

I screamed "Y/n, Y/N!" I heard Hermione say as she poured water all over me. "Bad dream?" She asked when I sat up.

"Something like that" I said not going further into it.

I took a shower and got ready for breakfast because I looked like a wreck. I went down to the common room but everyone was at breakfast. I walked into the great hall and everyone starred at me.

I sat down besides Hermione and Harry and Ron opposite us. "What's up?" I asked in the silent hall while everyone still starred at me.

"Well everyone knows about your so called 'bad dream', what's it even about Y/n" Ron asked me looking at me worried.

"Well it's not a nightmare more like" I trailed off thinking of a proper word to use without getting myself to sound crazy.

"I'll tell you later" I said because clearly everyone was eavesdropping our conversation. "Fine" Hermione said starting to eat. I wasn't eating tho, I couldn't.

"Come on Y/n you have to eat something" Harry said also looking at me worried. "I'm it hungry" I said and smiled at him. "Come on Y/n you didn't eat yesterday either" Hermione said giving me a look.

"I said I'm not hungry" I said raising my voice and ran out of the hall. "What's her problem?" I heard people ask behind me.

I ran to my dorm and cried, just cried, there wasn't a specific reason I just cried. "Y/n you okay?" I heard Hermione outside my door.

I only thought it was her but when I opened the door I shut it immediately again, Harry,Ron,Hermione,Fred,George,Ginny,Cedric,Victor,Melody and even Fleur was there.

"Come on just tell us what's wrong" I heard Fred or George say in unison.

"Nothings wrong" I said trying not to sob. "We can hear you crying Y/n" Cedric said worryingly. "Why do you even care" I shouted at them. "Because we're your friends Y/n" Ron said.

I opened the door and fell into Hermione arms crying. Ron,Harry,Hermione and I sat in our dorm and when I finally stopped crying I said

"Maybe m going crazy but, I feel like I can hear my dad speak to me when I sleep"

"Your not crazy Y/n, but what did he say?" Hermione asked me patting me on the back. "Something about 3 champions, A graveyard, and I heard another voice say that the dark lord was rising" I said resting my head on Harry's shoulder.

They looked shocked, "Y/n I had a dream about a graveyard, a lot of times recently"Harry said resting his head on mine.

"That's weird" Ron said looking at us in awe.

"Now boys if you don't mind we are going to get ready for the ball" Hermione said pushing them out of the door as I chuckled.

We got ready and I wore a light blue dress with some fine details, my hair was wavy and a strand from each side was pinned back, and I had on light makeup.

"Ready?" 'Mione asked me when she came from the bathroom.


We walked down the stairs as everyone looked at us, "good luck" I said to her before going to Cedric. "You look gorgeous" he said smiling at me.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I said as we chuckled lightly

"Ready?" McGonnagal asked as she opened the doors to the decorated hall. We all danced with our partners when people started joining, then we just danced a little random.

I had a great time with Ced, the Harry came over "can I have this dance?" He asked me and I looked questionable at Ced as he nodded. He went over to Cho and danced with her.

"So did you have a good night?" Harry asked me kinda awkwardly. "Yeah Ceds a really good friend" I said smiling sweetly at him.

"Oh only friends?" Harry asked surprised. "Yeah we're good friend, I think he likes Cho, and I maybe have a eye for another wizard in this school" I said, kinda hinting it to him that I liked him.

He let out a sight of relive when I said that. Could Harry like me? No there's no way. I walked over and hugged Cedric and said goodbye and the Harry walked me to my dorm

"Even tho I wasn't your date at the ball, I had fun with you Harry" I said hugging him. "Me too Y/n, I always have fun with you" he said hugging me back. I went into my dorm and went to sleep.

The voices were there but they were tolerable so I actually got some sleep. I woke up seeing shadows around my bed, "Bloody hell" I said when I saw the twins,Ron,Harry,Hermione and Ginny standing waiting for me to wake up.

"Today's the final task" the twins said n unison.

"Oh yeah it is" I said and sighted, I wasn't exactly excited I risked some of my three very good friends life's, oh yeah and my own, I wasn't excited, not at all.

We walked to breakfast and we got stopped a couple of times because people wanted to Cowan Harry and I luck at the task today.

Today I actually ate probably and I saw my friends were relieved. "Remember the spells that I learnt you!" Hermione told us very confident one of us would win.

"Yeah of course 'Mione, you've been a big help" I said as she sat with a proud smile. Me and Harry both sat and talked about some things when Dumbledore called for attention.

"I want to wish y'all good luck and be safe kids, no one knows what in that maze" he said, wow now I feel more safe.

Hermione could clearly see the worried look on my face when she said. "Don't worry you'll both be just fine" she said confident, oh sweet Hermione if only you knew

A/n sorry for a short chapter
But I wanted to stop right before the final task
And I'm really excited for the next one.
Don't worry we/you will soon be
With Harry but first after deadrics death
Whoops spoiler, I'm sorry.🤷🏼‍♀️

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