Chapter 9

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{*} 'I'm in pain, I'm in pain' {*}


"Well yeah, but he's not controlling it, it just feels like he can see what I feel" I said sitting up probably making space for Sirius.

"Okay" he said as if he was thinking real hard. "I want you to try something for me" he said and I just nodded.

"I don't know if you even can do this but try and concentrate, like really much and see if you can get into his mind" my eyes widened but I still nodded.

Okay, here we go.

I tried to concentrate and with that I felt like I got pulled into a whole new world.

I couldn't look around but I looked out of another persons eyes, "kill him Wormtail" it said, I know that voice, you guessed it my dad.

I saw a green light stream through my chest and then I got pulled out again, I fell back and then it went black.

I heard some voices in the background who I recognize as Remus and Sirius.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw Remus and Sirius as I thought.

"Oh your awake" said stopping his conversation with Remus. "How long was I out for?"

"Only twenty minutes" he answered checking his watch. "So what did you see?" He asked sitting down besides me.

"Well he killed someone, well no he got Wormtail to kill someone, he's in the Malfoy manor" I said looking at Sirius and Remus.

'Oh little girl, you shouldn't have said that' I heard a voice, my dad's voice say to me, I ignored it but he said something more, 'I know you saw it, you should join me, you would have more power than ever' I tried to 'close' my mind.

I winced in pain "what's wrong?" Remus asked me probably seeing me zoning out moments before. "Oh just headache, should probably head to bed" I said pushing them out of the door.

"Goodnight" I said and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Harrys POV

We all sat in the kitchen and talked about random things, well all except for Sirius,Remus and Y/n.

Sirius and Remus came down the stairs discussing something but stopped fast when they saw they caught our attention.

"Where's Y/n?" I asked "she didn't feel so good" Remus said when they sat down at the table.

"Promise me one thing kids, Y/n is having a hard time, she always has, she's a strong and smart girl who clearly doesn't like showing her emotions so just, be there for her" Sirius said and everyone's eyes widened but we all agreed.

"Of course" Hermione said looking slightly confused, "what did you do?" Ron asked them also seating himself in a chair since he stood up.

I could see them both think before answering "just talked, mainly about her father" Remus blurted out and Sirius gave him a glare.

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