Meet Blaine: Ch.5

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"Hey Elijah? I'm home." Blaine called out walking toward the hallway, too say the least he was kind of scared. He really didn't feel like getting into an argument. He was exhausted and just wanted to go too sleep. He frowned when he noticed he didn't answer. "Elijah?"

Blaine walked into the bedroom, letting out a chuckle when he noticed Elijah sound asleep on his bed, his suitcase on the floor by his closet. He was glad that he wasn't in for a long night. He took his shoes off and laid down beside him, his hand stroking Elijah's hair. The brown hair soft between his fingers.

Santana didn't understand his and Elijah's relationship. She only understood what she wanted to hear and know, and nothing more. He and Elijah kept private about personal things. They fought a couple times over the past year and a half but that was normal for couples, but Santana didn't get that, ever since her parents died in the car crash, she never understood love. The only love she ever got was an angry and emotional grandmother who was pleasant at times but worse most of the time.

She frequently hung out at Blaine's house rather than her own. Which Blaine and his family didn't mind. Blaine gently shook Elijah, who grumbled and groaned, attempting to cover his face.

"Hey, Elijah, you gotta wake up! It's only like 4 or 5 tonight. And we gotta get supper ready for when Santana comes home."

"Hmm- Blaine?" Elijah mumbled grabbing onto Blaine's shirt into his hands. "Is that you?"

"Yes! Now you gotta get up!" Blaine said tapping him  on the shoulder. "No more sleep, not until tonight."

"Ugh- fine." Elijah groaned lifting his head up to look at Blaine, a small smile on his face.

Blaine looked a little guilty, he really had missed his boyfriend, but he was also having funny exploring the city by himself. "I'm really sorry I didn't mean too forget too pick you up-"

"Hey, it's okay Blaine. It's in the past, I promise!" Elijah replied reassuringly. "Now, you said something about supper and making it?"

"Yes! I was thinking we could make homemade pizza?"

Elijah nodded climbing off the bed. Blaine looked over at him, following suit. "What are you waiting for?" He questioned.

Blaine rolled his eyes, grabbing his boyfriend's neck and pulling him in close, planting a small kiss onto his lips. Elijah smiled, before pulling away and heading into the kitchen, Blaine following behind.

. . . .

"Are you sure your okay to go back too work?" Rachel questioned for the hundredth time. Kurt rolled his eyes, he was going too lose it on this girl if she didn't stop asking him.

"I'm fine! I'll call you or Isabelle if I don't feel well I promise." Kurt replied, gathering his belongings. Isabelle opened her mouth but Kurt spoke quicker, cutting her off. "-I know, your tutor is coming. He will be here at 4, I come home 4:30, and Rachel will be here at 3."

Isabelle nodded, sighing of relief. Ever since her conversation with Blaine, about how he should date her brother she's been feeling awkward around him, and was even more panicky about them actually meeting each other.

Rachel chuckled, grabbing her things. "Your breakfast is on the table Isa, Kurt and I have too leave now. Don't forget your study books in the living room!!" As they both exited the apartment building.

Isabelle headed to the living room grabbing her study books and heading out the door behind them. She had a math exam that day and she was praying she would not flunk it. She had all weekend to spend on it studying and even emailed Blaine some questions which she felt bad about. She needed to get at least an 60% on it or otherwise Blaine, Rachel, Kurt and her dads would be mad at her. She smiled as she met up with her friend from school along her walk. Chatting about the boys and make up as they went.

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