Part 1

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All Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowling. No money is being made from this short story.


"Wake up, Ronald!"

Ron rolled over sluggishly and groaned into his pillow. "Five more minutes, Professor. . ."

Hermione raised her brow with a light chuckle as Harry released Ginny's hand to cover his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter. Currently, they were all crammed into his room, trying to wake up the ginger sleeping beauty--it was already half past noon.

Ginny rolled her eyes, obviously used to Ron's slumber gibberish, and cleared her throat with a fist to her sternum. "Ronald Weasley," she began in her best McGonagall impression, "if you don't get up and out of bed this instant, I will personally feed you to Ms. Granger's feline and—"

"I'm up! I'm up! Anything but that bloody cat!" Ron bolted upright and threw his covers off.

Hermione slapped the red head with a glare. "You take that back right this instant!"

Ron quickly shielded himself by whipping his pillow in front of him without realizing that by doing so, he was also whipping his three friends with the drool left on his pillow. They all groaned wiping themselves and shaking their hands.

"Whoops, sorry. . ." Ron sheepishly apologized, peeking from behind his pillow-shield.

"Why, you nasty, little—" Ginny raised a fist.

Harry quickly intercepted and stood in front of his girlfriend. He grabbed her weapon of a hand and gave it multiple squeezes, knowing that was the best way to calm her down. He felt her hand relax and turned back to his best friend. "It's uh--it's alright, mate. Time to start getting ready, though. The annual Malfoy Manor ball is tonight."

Upon hearing this, Ron rested himself against the head board. "Do I really have to go to that bloody ball? There's literally no point for me."

"What do you mean? We'll see our friends," Hermione offered.

Ron sighed, "Your friends. Yeah, I'm cool with them and all. But I'd hardly consider them friends."

Hermione sat beside him on the bed, causing a dip and creak from the wooden bed frame. "What's all this about, Ron?"

He rolled his eyes and swung his feet over the edge of the bed, trying his best to appear nonchalant and unbothered. "It's nothing. I've just always felt this way. I hope you can understand."

Ginny scoffed and said, "Oh, bullocks, Ronald. Honestly, get yourself together. This is embarrassing, you're 21 years old, for Merlin's sake!" She latched onto her brother's free hands and leaned backwards, causing him to rise onto his feet.

Ron reluctantly gave in and ushered his friends out of his room and once they were gone, he turned around and sadly shook his head. He really wasn't looking forward to being surrounded by endless happy, well-dressed couples while he stands on the sidelines by himself, drinking champagne, and wishing he had someone to dance with.


At the first floor of the Burrow, Molly was making dinner for her and Arthur and was using her wand to cut up some ripe tomatoes. Suddenly, a loud crash at the window caused her to squeal and drop her wand. The family owl had, yet again, missed the open window right next to him.

"Oh, dear. . . that bloody bird will be the death of me," Molly muttered as she tried to catch her breath with a hand over her chest.

Fred was the first one down after hearing the commotion and grabbed the letter. "Ooh," he sang with a smirk. "Hermione!"

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