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"Here they are the new couple!"
"Oh my God my lil Lily now in relationship!!"

Well Luke is right, suddenly Michael and Nessa come to us and suprising us with bring a bouquet of flower. And they give it to Luke.

"This is the time, bro" Michael said to Luke
"Okay" he stand up and keen on in front of me and give me the flower

"Hailey Shane, will you be mine?"
"Oh c'mon girl! Just say yes! It's your dream!" Nessa lil bit shouting
"Hahaha, shut up, Ness.. Yes of course Luke Hemmings! I love you so much!"

We take a long hug and he kiss me right on my lips, i'm feeling like now i'm living my dreams, i'm literally shaking. Then, we let our lips apart and he grab my hands.

"I don't know what to say right now, but i promise that i'll be the best boyfriend for you, always be with you, always take care of you, and always let you play xbox with me so you will be nice at physics, haha" and he smirks to me
"Hahaha, i'm so glad that now you are mine, i love you so much Luke" as i'm grab his cheeks
"And i love you the most, Hailey" he smiled and kiss me right on my forehead

"You guys are fucking cute!"
"Oh, Michael we are like watching 5D romance movie"
"Come here babe, i can be like Luke, be the best boyfriend for Nessaaa yaayy! And i'm the best of the best"
"Yikes, shut up! I'm the best of the best, Mike. Just admit it!"
"Hahaha you two guys, stop! Yeah Luke is the best of the best for me and Michael is the best of the best for Nessa, done! No arguing, okay"

Then we laughing so hard and take dinner together, because me and Luke already took dinner, we just eat ice cream. And we didn't realize that it's already 9 pm so we go home.

"So thanks for today, Mike and Nessa, i think without your weird idea i won't be this happy, haha"
"Yeah it's weird Luke but now you got the most thing you want right?" Michael smirks to him
"Hahaha, you are right, Mike.. Thanks bro!"
"Anytime, Luke!"
"So Lily, congrratsss!!" Nessa run to me and hug me tightly
"Haha, thanks Nessa!"
"Wait! We have a same date for our anniversary! This is so cute like a year later, we gonna celebrate our anniversary together! Haha i can't wait!" Said Nessa happily
"Hahaha, you're right.. We have to celebrate it one year later!" Luke said
"Yeah! At my house maybe?" Michael asked
"And that will be cool!" I said
"Okay, so see you guys later at the school!" Luke and I go to his car
"Bye, you two! Have a nice night!" Said Michael behind us

"So you want to go your house?" Luke asked
"Please, just for a night?"
"I can't say no, haha"
"Okay, i love youuu!" He pinched my cheek
"Haha, yeaaa i love you tooo!"

We arrived at Luke's house and Liz already sleep, so we go ahead to Luke's room. I feel uncomfortable with my shirt from school that this all day long i wear it, i need to find shirt but if i wear Luke's, i think i will be a giant. Haha.

"I need to change my clothes i think"
"Wear mine then.." Luke offer his shirt
"And i'll be a giant that can eat everything when i'm hungry, HAHA" i'm laughing like a monster's laugh
"Haha, why you are so funny!" He pinched my cheek again
"But seriously, you are very tall young man, and i'm so short lil girl"
"Cute lil girl, haha" now he pinched my nose

"It's okay, wear mine! I won't say you are a giant or a monster, because the truth is you are Luke Hemming's girlfriend that always funny and make him always happy" he smiled
"Okay okay, wait a sec, i'll change my clothes"

I go to his bathroom and change my clothes, and when i wear it, well i'm right, i look like a giant, it's so big for me, like i'm wearing my dad's but no, my dad's bigger obviously.
I go out, and he already on his bed.

"See, i like a giant"
"No, you still beautiful, come here, we have to continue our game"
"Fuck you, haha"
"Yea, fuck me, Hailey" he smiled

I'm laying beside him, so my head now is on his chest, i rub his stomach slowly and look up to look his head. I was wondering like "you are the luckiest girl because now, this perfect guy is yours"
Then i giggled to myself and Luke looks confused.

"Why are you giggling? Haha"
"No i just wondering that now, i am the luckiest girl because now i have you"
"Why you are so cute, haha.. And i feel the luckiest man in this world that i have the most beautiful girl in the world that is you" he rub my head slowly then he grab my hand so our hands collide
"Yes, babe?"
"I'm sleepy"
"Go sleep then"

I go upper. so now, our face are so close to each other and he hug me and kiss my lips, untill we lose our breath.

"So, good night, my tall young man" i giggled
"Good night my lil cute girl" he rub my cheeks and all go black.


So the next day, in the early morning, Luke drives me home and i go to bath, changing my clothes to my school uniform and waiting for Luke again to get me for school.
Suddenly, i feel hungry because i haven't take breakfast, when i check my refrigerator i don't see anything left, only water and cheese.
I forgot that mom didn't go home yesterday, so she haven't bring me foods. I meant to call Luke to bring me some breakfast but suddenly, someone knocks the door.

"Oh, hey, morning sweetheart!"
"Hey, morning too, babe!" I said
"So ready for school?"

He grabs my hand and let me in to his car

"So why you called me?"
"I haven't take any break--"
"Tadaaaa! I already knew that my lil cute girl won't have anything to eat so i bring you spaghetti"
"Yaayy! How do you know? You are so creepy!"
"Hahaha, no! If even i know you already took your breakfast, i'll bring it because it's for you.."
"Thanks, babe! Well, are you cook this by yourself?"
"What do you think?"
"It's delicious.."
"Well, that was made by me"
"Shut up, haha. No seriously, i made this. Don't you have to be happy that "yeay.. My future husband is a great cooker, he make me a delicious food everyday! He is goals" he said pretends to be a girl
"Hahaha, okay my future husband, i believe in you. And honestly yeah, this is delicious, thanks and i love you!" And i kiss him right on his cheek
"I love you too, Hailleeyy!" He said and we are laughing so hard

So we arrived at school and Luke let my body in his arm. And walk to my locker first to take my books.

As we walking through the hall, we find Ashton and Calum talking to a girl, i think she is a new student here.

"Hailey, i know right who she is"
"She is Danielle..."

So vomments pls x

I'm so bored so i better update and yeah i did it! Haha and i'm changing the tittle to "muke"

So bye, lots of love :)


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