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We picked up from where we were before, affectionate friends, friends who wanted each other in every way possible but were learning self control. He slept next to me. He touched me. He kissed my chin, my neck, my ears. My nose. He held me close.

Our entire trip back, we intentionally avoided talking about what had happened with us. That was for another time, another place and when we were both ready. I didn't want to pressure him into anything. I wasn't going to jump into anything.

He drove me back home, his right hand resting on my knee. He opened my car door for me. He greeted my doorman and the front desk. He carried my luggage up for me and he walked me to the front door.

Lily welcomed us with a big smile, inviting Eoin to dinner. He kindly declined - he had to fly back to Chicago that night. "Can I drop in anytime whenever I'm available and we go from there?"

"Whenever you're available," Lily agreed.

I took him back downstairs, hugging him in the lobby and thanking him for my amazing weekend. "Call me, okay?"

"She misses me already," he cooed. "I'll call you, Zoe. I promise." With that he was gone, back to his life and his business.

Min arrived a few moments later, relief plastered across her face and that twinkle in her eyes she only had when she saw him.

"I met him today, Zoe. He showed up. He actually showed up."


I arrived at the restaurant much earlier than we had agreed upon. I had to prepare myself for the inevitable, him not showing up or storming off after a shouting match ensued between us.

I had angered him before and I could always do it again. He hardly ever raised his voice at me but there's only so much you can put someone through before they snap.

He'd made our lunch reservation under his name, picking a hidden table overlooking the frozen lake in the midst of the white carpeted Central Park.

I made sure to wear a loose fitting sweater and a heavy coat to protect myself from the miserable weather. Maternity jeans and comfortable riding boots, I looked and felt great, my integrity intact and situation still a secret to the world.

He arrived dead on 12 o'clock, punctual as always. He looked much older, more mature, taller even. His eyes didn't convey hostility; he opened his arms for a warm embrace.

"It's really warm in here," he said, removing his knitted scarf. "Are you okay? You're not cold, are you?"

"No, I'm okay," I smiled. "Thanks for asking."

He asked after me and everyone else, inquiring on our wellbeing and how Rae was coping with single life. I was surprised that he'd even want to know how we were, let alone me. Wasn't he supposed to hate me?

"So, why was I invited down here? What's so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone?"

Our waiter brought our lunch, light, warm meals for the both of us. He quietly sipped on his coffee and zoned into me, waiting for my explanation.

"I have to tell you something. It concerns the both of us and I didn't think it would be appropriate to tell you over the phone." I drew a deep, soothing breath, like the ones we had to take in maternity yoga, and relaxed my body. "I'm pregnant. We're pregnant," I said, looking him dead in the eye. "And before you ask me if I know it's yours, just know it is. It isn't Stephen's."

His eyes moved to my chest and back up to my face, shock, disbelief, amazement and what could have been fright flashing across them in the briefest of seconds.

He was quiet for a very long time, making me nervous and very agitated. He seemed to be processing everything, probably thinking of a way to acknowledge it but to leave me to deal with it alone. I wouldn't be surprised.

"This is the part when you tell me that you don't want anything to do with us, me and the baby, and I get up and walk away with my pride intact," I began with a deep breath.

I could do this. I wasn't afraid anymore.

"I've been preparing myself for this for a very long time and you know what, I'm not afraid of being alone anymore. I wouldn't mind being a single mother, than to thrust you into fatherhood and into my child's life when you have your whole life ahead of you," I stated bravely.

"Our child," he corrected.

"Excuse me?"

"You mean our child. Min, this was bound to happen eventually. I hoped it would be when we were in a healthy relationship but life doesn't always work out the way you want it to," he said. "It doesn't excuse what you've done, how much you've hurt me in the past, but I won't let that jeopardise my opportunity to be a father." Holding my gaze, he added, "Our baby deserves parents who get along and love him or her unconditionally.

"And just so you know, I forgave you a long time ago. It took a lot but I finally did and I can move on with my life. I'm in a good space right now."

"Are you...are you sure? Are you prepared to handle this?" I stammered.

He reached across the table for my hand and squeezed it. "I'm sure, Min. We're in this together." He was grinning now, his eyes lit up as the reality of the situation dawned on him.

"It's kicking now, Lyle. Do you wanna feel?" I asked him nervously. He came over to my side and kneeled down at my feet, holding my stomach.

"It's really strong, like it's mother. God, Min. We're having a baby! A real baby," he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm going to find out the sex next week and I'd love for you to come. If you're not busy, of course." I didn't want to destroy what we had in that moment.

"Yes, I'd love to. Thank you for being honest and forthcoming with this. I'm so excited."

We talked a little bit more about our baby before he had to leave for something else. He offered to take me home but I refused, opting to drive myself to comprehend what had actually happened and how happy he was.

We were in a better place and it made it easier to love him. I wasn't about to screw this, screw us and myself up, again.

The Next Best Thing: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now