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'I think that's something you should figure out yourself,'

What's that supposed to mean? I look at the different depths of my ceiling, tilting my head to see if it changes shapes.

Figure out myself? Figure if a kiss meant anything? I sigh, I'm thinking about this too much. I call Sapnap and he answers right away.

"Hey, what's up?"
"I just needed to talk to you."
"About what?"
"My thoughts."
"What are you thinking about?"
"This one dream I've had."
"What about your dream?"
"It was weird,"
"Weird how?"
"It wasn't like weird weird, but I had a dream about past events that I remember really well, except one part."
"One part?"

The kiss.

"Yeah, one part."
"What was that one part?"
"Well, it first was just darkness, until George showed up and then the darkness turned into my room, but it wasn't completely clear, it was like blurry. George asked me somethings and then he, he kissed me."
"Kissed you?"
"Yea, I don't know why but it felt so real, but forced. I asked if that meant anything, but he told me that's something I have to figure out."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I have no idea, I can't figure it out."
"Are you thinking about it so much?"
"Yea," I say quietly
"Well you can do what I do, listen to music to keep my mind off of it."
"I guess, thanks Sapnap."
"No problem. Call me if you need anything else,"
"I will." I did what he said. Look at songs. I look at Spotify songs and look around to I find a song I've never heard before.

I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys

It was the only song was the only one that seemed interesting, at least right now. I start to play it on my phone as I sit up from my bed. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and then the song's lyrics stuck with me.

Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours

I stop in my tracks while trying to make myself a drink. I usually listen to songs I relate too, but not like this, because I do wanna be his. As other people with their crush, you wanna be theirs. Shit, I'm thinking about this too much. I start to drink my water and continue to listen to my song, I lean on the counter and decided to go on Twitter since music isn't working. I scrolled through Twitter and see people keep tagging me in stuff, nothing out of the norm, but I still was curious. Everyone was tagging me in tweets and videos of me listening to the song.

Omg is Dream crushing over someone?????

Dream really wants someone ;)

Who is he thinking about lmao

Damn, people on twitter are quick.

I got a notification that George is live, I smiled to myself and went upstairs to talk to him. I enter the call, and reading some donos.

"Kaleigh thank you so much for the $10 dono, can you please say hi to my friend Jessie. Yes of course, Hello Jessie!" He sounded so alive and upbeat. "Oh, Dream joined the call. Hi Dream." He says with a huge smile.
"Hey George."
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing, I have a pretty boring life."
"I guess you do because you're here talking to me."
"That's not boring,"
"What's not?"
"Talking to you," I say smiling to myself. He laughs and his cheeks turn a little rosy.
"I'm pretty boring,"
"I don't think so."
"Whatever you say." He says rolling his eyes, "Do you wanna play with me?"
"Sure." I start to boot up my computer and start up the Smp. I go over where he was and see that he's building a little shop.

"Whatcha building?"
"A little flower shop."
"I'll be your first your customer, can I please have a blue orchid?"
"Yes, it'll be right up." He comes back with a blue orchid and I see that he's smiling.

"Thank you so much." I walk away. I hear him laugh, and it just makes me smile even more.
"Can I have that back, we have limited supply of flowers at the moment."
"What? I'm just gonna pay for a flower just to give it back?"
"I'll only return it to you if you help me get some more flowers."
"Fine, I'll help you." I go over to a random field nearby and start to pick up flowers that I just find, and when I get a few I go back. I make a few chests and label them by color to try my best to help George figure out which flowers to give out when someone wanted a specific color. I start to put the flowers in the organized chests.

"Hey Dream, can you put these flowers in the chests for me?"
"Yeah, I got you." He drops a bunch of flowers and I start to organize them.
"Chat, I'm not making him do all of the work." George scoffs.
"Chat he is, I'm working my butt off while he's just picking the flowers."
"Dream stop. You're enabling them."
"Fine, whatever." I say continuing to sort the flowers. Once I got them all together, I helped George finish the front of the building.

"Okay guys I have to end the stream, thank you all for the love. Bye guys I love you!"
"Bye guys I love you so much!" I chime in.

Georgenotfound has ended the stream.

"Thanks for joining the stream."
"Yeah, of course."
"Why is everyone freaking out on Twitter?"
"Because I was listening to a song and everyone is freaking out about them."
"I Wanna Be Yours?"
"Yeah," I say quietly.
"Is it a good song?"
"Yea, it's really good song."
"And everyone is freaking out why?"
"Everyone is wondering who I'm crushing over because the song is about wanting to be with someone."
"Are you still crushing over that grocery store girl?" I tried to speak, but no words came out. "Hello? Dream?" I swallowed hard.
"Not exactly,"
"Not exactly? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I lied to you,"
"Lied to me? About what?"
"The grocery girl thing. I've liked someone else, for a while now."
"Why didn't you tell me from the start?" He sounded hurt, it killed me.
"I was scared."
"How can you be scared over a crush?"

Good question, it's definitely not because it's you or anything.

"I don't know."
"Well who is it?"
"That's the problem?"
"What problem? Isn't it just a girl-"
"It's not a girl!" I shout. I immediately clap my hand over my mouth.
"So is it a boy or nonbinary person?"

I'm in too deep.

"A boy,"
"I see, and who's that boy?"
"I don't really want to say,"
"Oh okay, you can tell me once you're ready or when I come over to your house." He says in a soft tone.

Did I just fuck up?

Just A Secret (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now