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I wake up to just me in George's bed. It was quiet, but I heard something sizzle downstairs. I walk downstairs to see George making breakfast.

"So you can cook?" I ask jokingly.
"What do you mean? I've cook you stuff before." I laugh a little and see that he's making some scrambled eggs. He eventually finished cooking the eggs and puts them onto a plate and hands it to me with a fork.

"Order up," He says with a smile.
"Thank you very much." I say taking a bite of the eggs, and damn were they good.
"Are they good?"
"Yes, very."
"That's good." I continue to eat the eggs until I cleared the plate. George puts out his hand for the plate and hand it to him.
"Thank you for the eggs."
"You're welcome." He walks over and looks at me.
"Lemme fix your hair." He says, then rubbing my hair and messing it up.
"George," I say laughing. I try to fix it, then he bats my hand away.
"I'll fix it."

He starts to move my blond locks out of the way of my face and making sure that it actually looks nice. I stare at him while he's perfecting my hair placement. He looks down and we lock eyes, my eyes trail to his lips. They look soft and very kissable. I look back at his eyes, I fell into the deep brown color.

"Look Dream, I fixed it."
"Fine, you can be my hair stylist." I say sarcastically. "Anyways, thanks for letting me stay at your house."
"Yeah of course, let me grab your clothes." He says running up the stairs. He came down with them and handed them to me.
"Thanks again." I smiled.
"Yeah, of course and maybe you can come over here more often."
"Yeah, definitely." I say with a smile.

I go home and once I put my hands over my face then they move up to my hair. Patches comes over to greet me and I pick her up and cradle her.

"Hey sweetie," I say smiling. "George and I had a moment." I say as my voice gets higher. "He messed up my hair then fixed it. Then I looked at him and he looked at me, and not in like a normal way but like a meaningful way." I say as Patches stares at me blankly. I give her a little scratch on her stomach. I let her down and go upstairs, I turn on my computer and start to play on my Smp a little bit. I started to go get wood when I notice that Sapnap is calling me on discord.

"Hey Sapnap,"
"Hey Dream, how have you been?"
"Good how have you been?"
"Good, I wanted to ask you something."
"Yeah, what's up?"
"So George told me something," Told him something?
"And what's that?" I ask as my heart is pounding out of my chest.
"You like someone,"


"He-he told you?"
"Yeah, and since I'm nosy, who is the lucky girl?"
"Please Dream, I promise I won't tell anyone."
"You promise?"
"Yes, on my mom's life."
"Fine," I bite lip.
"So? Who's the lucky girl?"
"It's not a her," I murmur.
"What do you mean?"
"It's a," I inhale, "It's a him."
"It's a him?"

He was quiet for a little bit and I could feel my heart beating faster.

"Oh, I didn't know."
"You're the only person I told besides Patches."
"Well, I guess I'm special. Did you tell George?"
"Why not?"

Why not?

"Because, it's him,"
"It's George?"
I close my eyes tightly.
"Yes," I felt like I was suffocating in silence. Sapnap wasn't responding which made me more anxious.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I guess I was nervous to tell anyone."
"But dude that's awesome,"
I smiled to myself.
"Thanks man, it really means a lot."
"Yeah I got you, and I didn't mean to stress you out cause I thought it was someone from like the grocery store or something."
"No, no, no. It's fine, I wouldn't have told if I didn't trust you."
"I love you man."
"I love you too."
"But still, why haven't you told George?"
"Because, I don't wanna mess it up."
"How can you mess it up?"
"He doesn't want to talk to me because I like him."
"Dream, he's like your best friend I highly doubt you can mess it up."
"Still, there's a little voice in my head that says he wouldn't want to talk to me or be my friend anymore."
"Dream." Sapnap says sternly.
"You're over thinking again." I don't respond, because he's right. "Dream tell me, do you love him?"
"Yea, I love him."
"Do you care about him?"
"Does he care about you?"
"Yes, I'm pretty sure."
"Then why are you so worried?"
"I don't know."
"He'll still love you no matter what, friend or not."

Hey guys sorry about posting late, I'm trying to find time to write more frequently but Winter Break is coming up soon so yeah :))

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