Flaire runs downstairs bringing the keys of his new Volvo. Haruka and Seiha on the other hand prepared for a day’s out to help with the terrible situation.
Flaire: I’ll get the kids from the school. Pierre must be really exhausted right now. *glances at his wrist watch before leaving
*Seiha twitched
Seiha: Those dirty bastards, I’ll kill them once I set my feet out of this house. *fists enclosed
Haruka: You have to stay here Seiha-kun. You’re still weak.
August: *folds his sleeves* Mom’s right, son. Don’t worry; we’ll settle this before the gathering. Shiori??
Shiori: I’m ready nii-san.
*August and Shiori vanished
---------------- ------------------
Onyx worried a lot of Pierre’s sudden weakening. He had to carry him down the basement to keep him from the heat of the sun. He was wondering what he can do to help. He’s been so useless all this time!
Onyx: Darn it! If only I can do something.*gritted teeth
*pairs of red eyes watching them
*Onyx noticed the presence of enemies and hid Pierre behind him
Pierre:*heavy breathing* I can do it, senpai. Daijobou. *insisting
*Onyx glances at Pierre
Onyx: Don’t be stubborn Pierre, you’re weak now. Let me finish this. *folds his sleeves
*vampires attacking them in full speed
Onyx summoned the waters from the nearby depot and quickly transformed it into a protecting shield and another mutating weapon. He destroyed the wall of the basement to let the sunlight enter the dark space beneath the school building. The vampires who were secretly following them got burned and turn into ashes. As for those who dared to come closer to Pierre’s direction, Onyx did not hesitate to slay them with his elemental gift.
Pierre: *surprised* Whoah!! You did great!
*Onyx panting
Onyx: I never thought it could be this tough, Pierre. We better get out of the school before I start liking this slaying thing. It’s so addictive! *looks at his hands
Pierre: *looks around* I bet they’re scattered all around the city. It’s starting.
Onyx:*brows crossed* What’s starting?
Pierre: *glances at Onyx, hesitant* The Destruction of the Last Galean blood line has come. It’s the prize our family has to pay in exchange of your existence.
Onyx: *serious look* So you’re saying your problems rooted from my existence??
*Pierre guilty lowered his head
*Onyx skeptical, back at looking down on his hands
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Taiyou had to check on every room if there was anyone in Kamogawa High that was left behind. He hardly looks back because he was also scared of vampires suddenly showing up around. All he wanted to do was to fulfill the task Lime has given him even if it also meant he’s life is in danger too.
He wandered the 3rd floor of the school building when he heard someone crying from the last section’s room. Taiyou also heard cries and screaming from the lower floor causing him to slightly panic from getting in.
FantasyA vampire family, descendants of the superior vampire couple decided to live in the city after hiding among their fellow vampire clans. As they prepared for the feared Rising of the Full Blue Moon, the kids are about the encounter many concerns like...