Chapter 4- Eye Spy (Eye of Cthulu)

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Gabriel used some wood from some trees to use platforms for a small rinky-dink arena. He figured the Eye of Cthulu would be pretty easy, so the arena didn't have to be perfect.

He only had a limited amount of lenses and was only able to make a couple of Suspicious Looking Eyes, but hopefully, it wouldn't be a hard task to kill an eyeball.

That night, when the moon rose above the horizon, Gabriel summoned the Eye of Cthulu and saw it flying through the sky.

Unfortunately, the eye wasn't the only one looking for a battle. A wolf sprinted through the frozen night and ate Gabriel.

This made Gabriel SUPER angry. His optimal approach was "Gabe vs. Big Eye" but what was happening was "Gabe vs. Big Eye and also OP hardmode monsters"

So after setback, Gabriel waited out another day and was ready for round two.

But of course, the Possessed Armors invaded Gabriel's tiny arena, and he was torn to bits as the eye literally just watched.

After getting screwed over a couple of times, Andrew suggested that Gabriel tried a different strategy.

Using the slimey mount that Gabriel got from King Slime, he could bounce on the eye, and seeing as the eye will continually go towards Gabriel, he could do that technically forever. However, after crossing the top of the world and moving beyond space, he wouldn't be able to breathe, so he would need to come to the ground a couple of times, and find a way to not die of fall damage while doing so.

Luckily, there was a large pond outside of the desert that would be perfect for this situation, so long as Gabriel wasn't an idiot and missed. So that night, Gabriel summoned the massive eye, longing for revenge.

The slimey mount worked exceptionally well against the Eye of Cthulu, and as an added bonus, the ride up to space was 10x better than Disney World.

"WOOOO! This is the best ride ever!" Gabriel screamed.

Then, at that moment, Gabriel went for his first trip back down.

Now, this strategy was dependant on two different things: One was Gabriel not missing the one and only water, and the other was the eye not dipping out on the way down.

Luckily Gabriel didn't miss and the Eye of Cthulu showed up, so all he needed to do was rinse and repeat.

Periodically, he would also use the Amarok or Frostbrand against the eye, but he would end up falling back to the ground to do so.

Eventually, after ages of bouncing and fighting, the Eye of Cthulu was defeated.

For his troubles, Gabriel got a mask, a trophy, some seeds, some arrows, and a metric ton of Demonite.

With this new material, he could power up some more to fight the next boss on the list. Cthulu's corrupted, grotesque, sentient spine: The Eater of Worlds.

Hey, it's me. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while :/

But DON'T WORRY! I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things in the near future, so stay tuned!

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