and wiped a tear from the side of my face

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June 28th
Erin had known about her pregnancy for a week now. She'd made a doctors appointment and been. She was six weeks pregnant, but the only problem was only she knew. Erin still hadn't figured out a way to tell Jay. However, Emilia's birthday was coming up on July sixth. Maybe that could help.

"Come on babe, we're going to be late." Erin was getting grouchy. "Emilia are you ready?" She asked. "Yeah." Emilia came in fully dressed with her bunny backpack. "Jay move!" She shouted. "Yes, I'm coming." He said coming into the hallway pulling his t-shirt over his head. "Right can we go?" Erin huffed. "Yes let's go." Jay said ushering them out.

They still hadn't got Emilia a babysitter yet, so she sits in the break room. She's very good at entertaining herself. "We really need to find Emilia a babysitter." Jay said. "I know but she goes to school in September." Erin said. "Ok." Jay sighed and looked out of the car window.

They pulled up at the district and went in. "If it isn't my favourite Halstead." Trudy said. "Trudy!!" Emilia shouted and ran up to her. She gave her a big hug. "I thought I was your favourite." Jay said. "You've been my least favourite Halstead from day one." Trudy sarcastically said. Erin quietly laughed, which earned her a playful nudge from Jay. "Charming." Jay said clearly annoyed. "Come on Emilia." Erin grabbed her daughter's hand and went upstairs. "Grandpa Hank." Emilia went up to him and hugged him. "If it isn't my favourite granddaughter." "Silly grandpa, I'm your only granddaughter." Emilia laughed. The team only ever saw Voight smile when Emilia turned up. "Ok off you go to the break room." Hank put her down and she ran off.

"So this case, selling illegal drugs to young girls. Leaving them high and some have overdosed. Two girls at Med have died from overdosing." Hank said. "Halstead, Lindsay go talk to the girls' parents." "Got it." Erin and Jay got up and went to speak to the parents.

"So the girls names from Med are, Meghan Woods and Eve Thomas. Meghan is twenty and Eve is nineteen." Dr Halstead said, because we stopped by Med, they found cocaine and heroine in their systems. Erin filled the team in. She put photos of the girls on the board. "Speak to your C.I's see what they have." Hank said.

"I have a lead. Warehouse on the south side has a stock of drugs in it." Antonio said. "Alright let's go." Voight announced. They all walked down. Jay helped Erin get her vest on and vice versa.

"CPD! Stop what you're doing." Jay shouted. Him and Erin had entered through the back. The two men that were in the room pulled out guns. "You do not wanna go there." Erin warned them. Both detectives had their guns pointed at the suspects. Then shots rang through their ears, Erin's body fell to the floor. "10-1, 10-1 shots fired at and by police. Plain clothed officers on scene. Roll an ambo to 1634 South Side." Jay shouted into his radio. "Suspect fleeing on foot." He added.

"Erin, you're alright." He said whilst applying pressure to the wound. "Just. Remember. I love. You and. Emilia." Erin said in between breathes. "No not like this come on. Stay with me." Erin went limp. Jay started compressions, with tears falling onto Erin's lifeless body.

"Jay stop." Gabriela Dawson and Sylvie Brett had arrived. Jay took a step back and watched as the two highly trained paramedics worked on his fiancée. He couldn't help but think that Emilia was sat in the district with not a clue about this. "I've got a pulse, let's go." Dawson said as they put Erin on the gurney and ran out of the building, Jay hot on their heels.

Once they got outside, Jay saw the suspects in the back of Hank's car and the whole team out there. "Go with her Halstead. Make sure she's alive. I'll bring Emilia." Voight said. Jay got into Ambulance Sixty-One as they sped off to Chicago Med.

"Thirty-Seven year old female. Shot in the chest. No exit wound. It's Erin." Gabby said as they came into Med. "Transfer on my count. One, two, three." They transferred Erin onto the hospital bed. "Page Dr Rhodes and Dr Bekker. She needs surgery now. Hold on, it says she's pregnant." Dr Natalie Manning stated. "Give me an ultrasound." Natalie did the ultrasound, "Baby's good."

"Jay here's her ring and necklace." Ava handed them to him, as Erin couldn't where them in surgery.

Ava Bekker and Connor Rhodes were in the Hybrid OR, with Erin on the table within minutes.

Jay was pacing the waiting room not knowing what was happening. All he knew was he had another child on the way and his fiancée was on an operating table. The Intelligence Unit came into Med's ED, Emilia well in front of all of them. "Daddy where's mommy?" Emilia asked. "Mommy got hurt at work, that's why we're at the hospital." Jay explained being careful that it was only a four year old stood in front of him. "Any news?" Voight asked. "Uh no, they rushed her to surgery. But she's pregnant. They said the baby's good, I don't know how." "I know now's not the time but congratulations." Voight said. "Yeah congrats Halstead." Adam said.

Dr Rhodes and Dr Bekker came out, Jay stood up immediately. "How is she?" He asked. "She's fine, we got the bullet out. She crashed a few times but she kept fighting. Also the baby is somehow still there. You've got yourself two fighters in there Halstead." Connor said. "Can we see her?" Jay asked. "Yeah but just you and Emilia." Ava butted in. "Follow us." "Come on Emmi, shall we go see mommy?" Jay said to Emilia. "Yeah!" Emilia was so unaware of the dangers that could've happened.

Erin was still unconscious when they got to her room. "Mommy." Emilia ran up to Erin. "Daddy why isn't she awake?" "Sit down on the chair." Jay said. "Mommy got hurt and she had to have an operation, that made her feel better. She's sleeping at the moment but she will wake up." "Ok." "What did the man with beard mean by baby?" She asked. "Uh nothing baby girl." Jay said, he didn't want to spoil the surprise.

"Hey babe, I don't know whether you can hear me but I know about the baby and I think it's great news. I love you." Jay said. Emilia was probably asleep at Hank's he'd offered to take her home. Jay had been there for hours. The team had come to check up on Erin and see how she was doing.

It got late into the night and Jay had fallen asleep on the chair, holding Erin's cold hand on his. The nurses saw him but didn't want to wake him. He'd had one hell of a day.

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