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That's the only sound that can be heard in room.

Hanif has done it again. As he has always done, and maybe will continue to do so if not by some miracle from the lord above. He came back from where ever he goes after work. Alcohol and drugs. His best pals.

He at the moment reeks of them. He is unstable and high.

Daniiya, Hanif's beautiful but broken wife was on the floor, after receiving another beating, held her cheek as she looks at the man she was forced to marry. She looks at him with hate and fear. Wondering what she has ever done to her parents when they they forced her to marry this beast.


That's the question she keeps asking herself everyday. She has always been a good child. Never a rule breaker. Follows instructions always.

But in fear for her life, having no one to turn to, she lives in silence.

When the beatings started, she ran home but was sent back with words that still hunt her to this day.

"Have sabr, a woman is known for her sabr."

A Hausa girl is brought up with the notion that she must obey, must submit to her husband. She should always obey her parents, elders and if she is married, her husband. She is not allowed to talk back or say her opinion on an issue that she doesn't agree on, "goodness how rude!".

Having been married for two years Daniiya has learnt to cope with the situation.

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