"Don't give me a reason to use it on you"

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We all sat at a table around the back of the pub not wanting much attention from the public. Johnny was throwing darts at the dart board until he accidentally setting a few on fire. Throwing his beer to put it out before sitting back down at the table.

"Classy" I smirked.

"Oh be quiet Y/n" Johnny said snatching the bottle out of my hand taking a swig.

"Hey give that back" I said reaching for my drink.

Johnny pulled his hand back taking another gulp of my drink. If it was anybody else I would've been pissed but for some reason I wasn't mad at Johnny.

"Just buy me a new one Storm" I said.

"Fine" Johnny replied before waving over a server.

"One beer for the gorgeous girl" Johnny said to the server.

I rolled my eyes at his flirty behavior just being used to it. Johnny flirted with any girl and sometimes even guys on a rare occasion. To be honest it hurt sometimes seeing him flirt with me and it meaning absolutely nothing. Or seeing Johnny flirting with other people instead of with me. It shouldn't but for some odd reason it made my blood boil with jealousy.

"You alright?" Ben asked.

I snapped out of my faze looks up to the giant rock man.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

I thanked the server who gave me my drink. I noticed something written on the bottle. I spun it around realizing it was the guys number.

"Someone likes what he sees" Ben said.

I glanced over to Johnny who seemed to look hurt, he almost looked jealous. No it couldn't be. Johnny was never jealous.

"I'm not interested" I said taking a sip from my drink.

"Oh why not the guy was hot?" My brother asked.

I glanced over to the blonde water, I had to admit the guy was pretty attractive. A chisled jawline which looked like it was sculpted by god himself and cheekbones which could cut paper. But he wasn't Johnny.

"I bet you already like somebody" Ben said with a smirk.

"I never said that" I said doing my best to avoid anymore questions.

"I bet you do" Ben said.

"Shut up rock man" I snickered.

Ben rolled his eyes at me but thankfully dropped the subject. I looked over to Johnny as my brother and Ben started their own conversation. Johnny was staring down at his drink a sad expression on his face.

"Johnny you ok?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah I'm fine" Johnny said offering me a weak smile.

I wasn't convinced, I opened my mouth to say something to Johnny but my brother cut me off.

"Guys the scan is complete" Reed said standing up out of his chair.

"What does it say?" I asked him.

"It's not natural that's for sure" Reed mumbled.

"Well what is it?" Johnny asked.

"It's alien" Reed answered his voice slightly shaky.

We all left the pub quickly tossing money to the server over the counter before climbing back into the truck.

"What do we do now?" Johnny asked.

"We go find the alien which is doing this" Reed said starting up the truck.

"And how the hell do we do that?" I asked.

"We'll head to Washington DC first, it's there that has the highest energy readings so I can only guess whatever is doing this must be in there" Reed said.

We all nodded and my brother continued to speed back to base.

"Y/n I'll drop you off at the tower and pick up Sue" Reed said.

"Um no I'm coming along" I argued.

"No you're not it's too dangerous unlike us you don't have any powers" Reed said loudly.

"I'll be fine Reed, I was in the army I know what I'm doing" I shouted.

"This isn't the army Y/n you're fighting aliens not people" Reed replied clearly annoyed.

I used to be in the army, I was in the science division working on weapons but I also had to train with the other soldiers just in case of a break in. I left the army last year to help Reed with the fantastic four but I kept up my training. I knew one day he would need my help even if my brother said no.

"I know it's not but you need all the help you can get" I said.

"Let her help Reed she's a good fighter" Johnny intervened.

Reed sighed and gripped the steering wheel I could see the gears of his brain churning. He didn't want to lose me I could tell that. Reed and I had already lost so much we basically only had eachother and this team. So I could understand why he was skeptical to allow me to help but I wasn't a child I could do this.

"Fine but you stick close to us ok" Reed sighed.

"Thank you" I replied, I gave Johnny a smile of thanks and he returned one.

I messaged Sue to bring down my heat heat seeking gun my favorite weapon to use as Reed and I made it.

Reed pulled up outside headquarters and Sue climbed in handing me my gun before taking a seat next to her husband.

"What is that thing?" Johnny asked reaching over to touch my gun.

I pulled it away from his grasp knowing that if he touched it the chance of him breaking or accidentally firing it was inevitable.

"It's my heat seeking gun" I replied.

"Cool just don't use it on me" Johnny said.

"Don't give me a reason to use it on you" I smirked at Johnny.

"Understood" Johnny said throwing his hands up in self defense.

We sat in silence for a little while as my brother drove us towards Washington DC.

"What do we do once we get there?" Sue asked adjusting the zip on her suit so it was more comfortable.

"If the alien is there than we fight but we keep the fight contained" Reed said.

"Johnny you work on the sky containing it I'll go up to the high ground to shoot. The rest of you guys clear out civilians before opening fire" I said my leader side taking over.

"Reed I think you've lost your job as team leader" Johnny teased nudging my shoulder.

"Seriously little sis stealing my job now?" Reed said.

"What you would've said the exact same thing" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Whatever" Reed mumbled shaking his head.

I snickered leaning back against my seat adjusting my gun. The fight was about to begin.

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