"I'm not that easy to get rid of"

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We arrived at Washington DC just outside the great Washington monument. We hopped out of the car and were instantly flooded with news reporters wondering why we were there.

"I'll take care of this, Y/n you start getting to high ground" Reed said walking over to the press so they would leave us alone.

"Need a lift?" Johnny asked lighting himself up in flames.

"You'll burn me Johnny" I said rolling my eyes at his cluelessness.

"Too hot for you am I?" Johnny winked at me flirtatiously.

"That's not what I meant Storm and you know it" I said crossing my arms.

Johnny just laughed and flew up into the air leaving a trail of fire behind him.My brother had finished talking to the press and they agreed to leave to let us do our job.

"Reed could you lift me up ontop of that building?" I asked my brother pointing to the roof of one of the sky scrapers surrounding us.

"Sure thing sis" Reed replied.

My brother stretched out his arms grabbing my waist lifting me up to the roof. I didn't dare look down at the streets below me. Reed carefully lowered me down on the concret roof, I gave my brother's stretched out hand a fist bump before he retracted it back to himself.

I placed my heat seeking gun steady on my shoulder crouching down at the edge overlooking the city.

All of a sudden the ground started to shake. The screams of civilians echoed through the tunnel of buildings. Thankfully fire department made a barrier around the area to keep the civilians out so they would be out of harms way so we could fight without worrying about any possible casualties.

"What the hell's happening?" Johnny asked through the comms.

"I don't know but keep your eyes open" My brother replied a hint of worry through his voice.

A crack in the ground opened devoring the Washington monument, the building came crashing into the ravine making a loud booming sound which echoed loudly.

"What the fuck?" I heard Ben mutter.

A cloud of debris and dust covered the ground. I could hear Sue and Reed coughing due to the dust entering there lungs. Sue used her powers creating a forcefield to contain the cloud of dust before releasing it high up in the air so we could see the ground.

A blue figure emerged from the crack standing up straight with his hands by his side, a blue trail following it like a comet.

"That's the alien" Reed said.

"No shit" I murmured back steadying the gun on my shoulder.

"What do you want" Reed shouted at the alien doing his best to sound intimidating.

"To destroy this world" The alien replied in a robotic voice.

"What do you gain from this?" Reed replied.

"Leverage and power" The alien rellied lifting up his hand making a fist.

"We're not letting you destroy our planet, we won't give up that easily" Sue said.

"I was going to do this peacefully but I suppose I don't always get what I want" the alien replied shooting a blue beam of light at my brother.

Reed bended his body to avoid the beam which ended up exploding a car.

"Holy shit" I whispered.

I looked through the scope of my gun picking up the alien in the heat seeking. I got the scope on his head. It locked on to it.

"You're going down" I said pulling the trigger.

With a loud bang a massive bullet flew out of the barrel of the gun straight down to the alien but just before the bullet could penetrate it's skull it spun around catching the bullet in it's hands looking at it in confusion.

"It caught it" I said in disbelief.

"Caught what?" Johnny asked.

"It caught the bullet" I replied.

The alien looked around before spotting me on the roof. It smirked before throwing the bullet at me. It speed towards me at record speed and I didn't have time to dodge it. I closed my eyes waiting for impact. I felt my body hit the ground but I felt no bullet impact only a heavy weight ontop of me.

I opened my eyes to see Johnny hovering over top of me panting. The bullet landed on the wall surrounding the roof of the building exploding the wall sending debris flying in the air.

"Thank you" I said my breathing ragged.

"Couldn't have you dying on me" He replied a small smirk appeared on his face.

Our faces inches apart, my breath hitched in my throat as heat rose to my cheeks. Johnny gulped and cleared his throat standing up and helping me up with him.

"Thanks for uh saving my life" I stuttered picking up my gun.

"I uh no problem" Johnny said with a small smile before lighting up again and flying off.

"Y/n you ok?" Reed asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied averting my gaze down to where the rest of them were fighting the alien.

"I've had enough" The alien shouted sending a blast wave knocking all of us down.

We were all knocked to the ground and Johnny was knocked out of the sky landing on the building next to me. I rushed over to Johnny who was no longer in flames.

"Johnny are you ok" I said lightly shaking his body.

I could hear the alien fly off but I couldn't care less. All I was worried about was Johnny.

"Wake up" I said tapping his face.

He didn't budge. I lowered my head down to listen to his chest, I could hear a slow heartbeat so at least Johnny was alive.

"Johnny get up I don't want to carry your ass down" I forced a chuckle through my worried.

Johnny's eyes started to flicker open and a groan of pain escaped his lips as he woke up.

"Oh thank god" I said placing me hand ontop of his chest.

"Worried about me huh?" Johnny said managing to give a smirk through his pain.

"I thought you were dead" I said.

"I'm not that easy to get rid of" Johnny said slowly sitting up his teeth gritted as the pain kicked in.

He went to stand up but he stumbled. I rushed over and held him steady so he wouldn't fall over. I held him upright as we headed towards the elevator to return down to the ground.

"Thank you" Johnny said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For practically carrying me" Johnny said leaning against me.

"I don't mind" I said.

I could see Johnny smile out of the corner of my eye. We exited the elevator and ended up in the lobby of the building. We went out to the street were Sue, Ben and Reed were standing looking exhausted.

Johnny and I approached the rest of the team.

"It escaped" Redd sighed.

"At least we all survived" Sue said wrapping her arm around Reed's waist.

Reed slowly nodded running his fingers angrily through his dark brown hair. I could tell he was still annoyed about letting the alien escape.

We all climbed into the truck Johnny lying down on the bench hands over his chest still in pain.

"We'll get you checked up back at base" I said reassuring Johnny.

"Good because I think I broke something" Johnny groaned rubbing his lower back.

"Johnny thanks for saving my sister"  Reed said from the driver's seat.

"No problem" Johnny replied giving me a small smile.

"My pleasure" Johnny said looking at me with soft eyes.

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