Chapter 29: Giant Bronze Wall

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I rifled through the backpack and took out a flashlight first. I kissed it and turned it on, getting blinded by the bright light.

Under the strong light, the nearby stones and dust on the armored corpses all turned white. I wiped my eyes and wept with joy as I dug out a high-frequency whistle.

I looked up, blew the whistle, and signaled with the flashlight at the same time.

I knew when the signal came back that it was Fatty above me. He said that once he climbed out and made it aboveground, he contacted Xiao Hua. The area we had been trying to climb out of earlier was the entrance where we came in for the first time so many years ago, so he followed it to find me.

I breathed a sigh of relief, flipped through the bag again, and saw some hardtack. I was hungry, so I opened the packaging and ate a few mouthfuls as I told Fatty about my situation using the whistle and flashlight.

Fatty told me to put my pants on as soon as possible, or a centipede would crawl up my ass. I did as he said and then found half a pack of cigarettes in the bag.

There were only two or three left in the pack, and I scolded Fatty for being so stingy as I lit one and took a puff.

I was so exhausted that I felt as if I had entered a fantasy, and the chaotic feelings were swept away.

The ghost soldiers around me didn't respond, but my cold sweat kept increasing. After my regular senses recovered, my sixth sense became more and more sensitive. When I looked at their white eyes, I kept feeling like they would move at any time. They gave off such an evil aura that I knew I had to leave as soon as possible.

After analyzing both our situations, Fatty said that I was in a position to reach the bronze door directly, and I should be careful of the big centipedes and human-faced birds. He would move on and enter the crater, where he would wait to rendezvous with Xiao Hua. Then, they would take the old route and meet me in front of the door with the ghost seal.

Since my path was essentially a beeline, I would probably arrive before them and may have to wait in the dark for a while. But when I thought of how I was groping around in the dark before, this was nothing.

I walked back to the main road, looked at the direction the key was pointing in, and was just about to start trotting forward, when I saw that the copper key under the flashlight looked a bit strange.

Zhang Qiling, what have you done? I thought to myself.

I looked at the ghost soldiers all around me. Normally, zombies rose wherever I went. There were so many strange corpses here, yet I had made it this far without any of them moving.

It seemed a little unusual.

Fatty continued on, and moved slowly along the protrusions on the rock wall, so I quickly left him behind.

For the next eighteen hours, I ran all the way through the gap at the bottom of Changbai Mountain without any distractions, and kept running until large chains started to appear above my head.

When I saw it for the first time, the scene was shocking, and even seeing it again now was still creepy. Chains ran across the whole valley, with countless birds nested on them, their heads curled up under their wings in a dormant state. I had already walked out of the phalanx of ghost soldiers by this point, and held my breath as I slowly walked through the bones and rocks on the ground. My flashlight seemed to show a huge bronze wall at the end of my path.

I remembered the huge bronze door embedded in the rock wall, so enormous that I couldn't even see it clearly.

The flashlight's beam couldn't show the whole thing, but it definitely seemed to be there. I had dreamed of it many times, and always wondered when I woke up if I had been hallucinating at that time.

I was so nervous that I thought my heart would burst, and my legs were shaking so much that I had to sit down on the ground.

I really didn't think I would come back here in my lifetime.

The key in my hand was pointing in that direction, but I wasn't in any hurry to go there. I wanted to smoke the second cigarette, but then I looked at the shadows above my head and didn't dare light it.

There was a stone platform in the distance, so I stood back up on my wounded feet and climbed up.

I saw a pile of things spread on top of the stone.

I approached and shook off the dust, finding that it was a pile of clothes. I stared at them for a long time before I recognized them as Poker-Face's clothes. He had taken off his clothes, folded them, and then put them here under a pile of stones.

Did he change into the armor again? I moved the stones, pulled the items out, and found that they were a coat and a pair of shoes. I smelled them, but only got a whiff of bird droppings.

I fiddled with the stains on the clothes, shook off the dust and dry poop, took off my diving suit, and put on the jacket and shoes. Before putting on the shoes, I tore off the inner lining of the jacket pocket and used it to make socks to wrap my feet.

The diving suit did have some insulation to keep me warm, but it obviously wasn't as warm as clothes. I shook the jacket some more, but no matter how much I shook it, the dust still kept coming out. Despite this, a feeling of comfort began to return to my body.

Little Brother didn't have any personal belongings or anything in his pockets. I sat on the stone, feeling a little overwhelmed.

I'm finally here.

I turned off the flashlight to save the battery, and countless stars appeared in the surrounding darkness. I sat there in the dark, silent and carefree as if I were sitting under the stars outside.

The starlight before my eyes began to move and converge into one constellation after another. Some had Uncle Three's face, while others had Little Brother's face.

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