Chapter 11: Fuck

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"Kan Jian, eight o' clock. Behind the tree! " I shouted, stamping my feet and using the flamethrower to spray the centipedes that started to climb up. The centipedes were as big as crayfish, and if I hadn't experienced them before, the fine hairs all over my body would have been standing up. But fortunately, the centipedes' feet and antenna were easily scorched by the fire, and they all fell to the ground after one sweep of the flamethrower. The problem was that after burning them, there was a strange scent in the air, that was somewhat fragrant and sweet.

My nose had gone through so much abuse over the years that the doctor said I probably wouldn't be able to smell anything for a long time. These smells were all in my head.

It was almost impossible to distinguish the centipedes' color from the leaves on the ground, so when I looked down under the firelight, I felt as if the leaves were crawling all over the ground. I could also see countless hairs mixed among them.

Kan Jian pulled his slingshot out and fired, causing the rubber band to make a twang sound. It hit the figure behind the tree, and the sparse little black hairs shook. They were apparently covering the centipedes.

I knew how powerful the slingshot was, but the shadow didn't make a move and there was no response.

I pulled out the elastic band of my hooded jacket, used it to tie the lighter to the front of the spray can, stamped my feet, pulled my Kukri out from behind my back, and twirled it in my hand.

Black Glasses did this every time he taught me to use a knife. It was a bad habit, yet I still learned it anyways.

I got within about a meter of it, but the area in front of me was dark. There was only a small gap illuminated by the flamethrower, so the first thing I saw was a group of centipedes crawling all over the tree.

No, the humanoid figure I had seen was basically made up of centipedes.

It's not a bug with a high IQ, but I've learned a few things from the hei feizi, I said to myself. Then, I saw a bloody hand in the gap where the centipedes were crawling.

The fingers of this hand were very long, and I clearly recognized this feature even in the flickering light.

Fuck me. My head was buzzing and I shouted, "It's Little Brother!"

"Fuck!" Xiao Hua immediately burst out of the canopy, but I couldn't worry about him now. I thrust my knife into the ground and rushed to the figure, using both hands and the fire to get rid of the centipedes. I pulled them off with one hand and sprayed wildly with the other, burning all the centipedes off.

The wound-covered body slid down from the tree, and I saw that his clothes, fingers, and hair were all very similar to Little Brother.

He was dead.

His mouth was wide open, and when I pinched his jaw, I found that his body was still warm, indicating that he had just died. His mouth was full of centipedes, and he had apparently died from a blocked trachea.

No, it wasn't Little Brother. This person's muscles were far inferior to his.

The centipedes covered my whole body and started to climb into my nose and mouth. I rubbed them away with my arms and went to look at the body's hand. Xiao Hua came to my side and put flares around me to keep the centipedes away.

The hands and fingers on this corpse were fake, and when I pulled hard, the fake fingers were torn off.

Angry from the bottom of my heart, I tore the wig off the corpse, and found that I recognized this person. He was one of Wang Meng's men.

"Damn it." I roared into the woods. "Fuck your ancestors for eight lifetimes!" The curses echoed through the valley.

Wang Meng must have followed me all the way here. But what did he mean to do by having his men pretend to be Poker-Face? Disgust me? Or lead me somewhere?

If it weren't for these centipedes' sudden appearance, I might have really fallen for it in the dark.

I turned around, pulled my knife from the ground, cut open my hand, and pressed a bloody mark on Xiao Hua's ankle. The centipedes began to retreat as I threw my blood on the ground and then picked up the flares.

"Are you going to seek revenge?" Xiao Hua asked me coldly.

I looked at him and said quietly, "He must be nearby. With his IQ, he won't survive the night. We must find him. We'll save him one last time."

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