Mikey The Knucklehead

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((Donnie POV))

I was watching the person riding the dirt bike when Mikey started to launch things at them from our manhole shooter. My brothers started to yell at him and tell him to stop, and they argued. I was about to put my two senses in, but I just couldn't. I was too captivated by the person in front of the Shellrazor. I looked at their body, trying to tell if they were a boy or a girl. I tossed that through your mind because no matter what they looked like, they could be a different gender. But... I couldn't help but stare... this person.. this person.. snuck around the house undetected with 6 people in it. And they didn't get caught, not till they made a mistake. They had to have been very stealthy and graceful to have evaded everyone and not gotten caught. I just kept staring till I saw something shoot out of the manhole shooter that wasn't a manhole. It was a metal garbage lid. It hit the person in the back of the head and sent them flying off their bike smack into a tree. I slammed on the breaks as to not run over the bike; when the Shellrazor stopped, I got out quickly and went over to them. They are knocked out cold... I picked them up and took off their helmet. I checked for head injuries, and there were none thanks to the helmet. I started to walk back to the Shellrazor when I looked down to see a girl. She had medium-length soft hair, long lashes, and rosy cheeks. She looked... breathtaking. I looked down at what she was wearing and blushed, admiring the catsuit-like outfit that hugged her figure. Then... she started to look familiar... I leaned in to get a better look, then I was interrupted, "Donnie! C'mon!" April shouted to him with a smile.

That's all it took... just April talking to him to make him forget you were even there... he handed you to Raph and grabbed the dirt bike and brought it inside the Shellrazor.

(( Raph POV))

'Typical Donnie... just bypassing everything for her... he's going to get a swift kick in the ass from reality soon...' I thought and looked down at you; the blank expression on my face went to a soft smile as you cuddled close to Raph and rested one of your hands on his chest. I smiled at the girl and walked back inside of the Shellrazor. I sat you on my lap and buckled you and me in and held you close. You were still out cold, but as you shifted in your sleep, you snuggled close to Raph with your hair draped over your shoulders. He stroked your hair back behind your ear and blushed slightly. He looked at you with his regular serious look but didn't keep it for long as you were too beautiful to look at you like that. I looked over to Donnie only to see him making goo goo eyes at April and talking to her. 'Why is he like that around her?! I know he likes her... I mean, it's very obvious; you literally can't hide that! But this girl...' he looked at you as he thought, 'This girl is hurt because of us, and all he can think of is April...' he scoffed at the thought. The ride back to the dreaded farmhouse was quick; Mikey got your dirt bike out and locked it in the shed; Leo grabbed your bag and destroyed Helmet; and Raph carried you inside. Leo told everyone to get to bed, and we will figure this out tomorrow. While April and Donnie talked about stupid things, April went to her room and asked Donnie to update her about the girl tomorrow because she was really tired right now. He blushed and said good night, and April shut her door. He snapped out of it and looked for you. Raph had taken you to his room and laid you down, covering you up. He got you an ice pack and put it on your bruised head. He sighed and laid next to you; you were still out cold when Donnie walked in the room.

He walked over beside the bed, and Raph glared at him. "She can stay in my room," he said shyly. "It's more spacious." Raph rolled his eyes and looked at his brother. "Hm didn't even think about that when you were chatting up, April, did you?" "What are you talking about, Raph?" "Pffft, like you don't know, you were staring at them, Don, staring at the girl, and I mean, hard. I tried to get your attention, and you were just mesmerized by her. Then one, 'C'mon Donnie!' from April, and you give her to me and go inside the Shellrazor and ignore her. Not cool, Don." "Raph, why do you care? We don't know her; for all we know, she could've been an enemy after us. I mean, why was she sneaking around our house?! We don't know anything about her." " Well! Well, we may not know anything about her, but she's still human! She doesn't need to be tossed aside and ignored!" "Ugh whatever Raph.."

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