blazing sun

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slow seconds of silence engulfed the both of them.


was all he could spit out.




"he likes me too."
"it's been going on for a few months. i just started getting feelings slowly."




"he likes me too."

"well no shit." kageyama spilled aggressively. hinatas eyes widened and gave kageyama a quick glance before continuing.

"he's fun. entertaining. makes me feel like im on air. he's— he's pretty. smart, laid back."

"he's really opened my eyes and uh.. it feels right."




that's okay.


don't cry.

your not alone.

"he's- just amazing in.. a lot of things. in every aspect.."

oh god.

god no.

kamisama. if your out there.

is it april?!

"so.. yeah. m'sorry kageyama. i don't really know how to say this. i can't butter it up. you were amazing of course and i hope we can still stay friends because your still dear to me. i want to pursue what feels right to me."

when hinata finally turned to look at kageyama he could feel his heart hurt. he could almost feel himself falling back in love with him.

he was crying.
his baby.
not anymore but,

kageyama was crying.

his long hair fell in his face as he looked down. those beautiful orbs were dull but the tears made it seem as if it were glowing. his eyelashes were wet and glistened by the tears.

'fuck.' hinata thought.

it took kageyama about 3 minutes.

"okay." he croaked.

"okay. g-good for you." kageyama spoke.

hinata just looked straight ahead.

"m'kay. i hope you heal quick. i know you can find somebody else. don't take it as i never liked you, i do and i look forward for both of us to continue our friendship."

hinata slowly rised and walked away. farther, father, farther, slipping, slipping, slipping away.

is that all?

that's all?



when kageyama turned slowly, he saw kenma in the back, looking at kageyama with slight pity but then back at shoyo with so much happiness like he got a reward. yeah. he did get something.

you stole my man.

i could see it now. the way he lights you up.
the way you blush when your around him.
the way you smile.
the way you look at him as if he's the only thing in the world that matters.
the way you grab his waist and kiss him.

i see nekomas first years in the background hyping your relationship up, unaware of my presence.

i guess orange and yellow do go well together. blue just messes up the scheme.

end of blazing sun.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀.Where stories live. Discover now