Chapter 6

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Elinor had carefully planned a very relaxing day today. She had considered Eileen's suggestions, while they were having their long conversation in the game room and made the changes. (Don't come at me for not typing in the entire conversation, it was very long. I am only human, but one thing I will say is that it was very meaningful, and everyone felt like they got something from it. The also discussed the events of their day, the things they had seen and how lucky they felt to be there. and yeah, the tiny panic attack they swallowed. Which frankly could have been avoided if they had followed the basic buddy rule. The decided that from now on, no girl was to venture alone.)

They all made their way out of the house and gathered around the touch screen as Eileen entered their next destination. The girls were excited, today's spot was the most crowded spot as Dears loved to spend hours and hours in that place. Some even cam at sunrise and left at sunset to see the beautiful sight. But these days it might be hard to stay for so long, because even though during the day the weather is absolutely perfect, but as the sun starts to go down it gets really cold. All in all Elinor was very happy with her choice, since it was a crowded place there weren't many chances of seeing Dimash. For obvious reasons, but she loved the idea of playing around and giving everyone the opportunity to relax at the same time. Did I mention where they were going? No? Oh okay, my bad... they were going to the beach!

The beaches of Dimashistan were absolutely majestic. With white sands, beautiful rocks, mysterious caves and zero trash lying around. Of course, the biodegradable material helped with that, but the Dears were very conscientious. The planet and its prosperity were a huge deal for them, which is why they were very careful about throwing their trash in the right place. Anyway, those are details you may not even want to know about, but I have to put an image in your head, so bear with me.

Moving on, the bus arrived, and the girls quickly got in and took their seats. The ride was long as they were almost at the center of the island and going from there to the beach took some time. The ride towards their destination was a jolly one, there was a lot of singing and chatting. Lindsay and Shelly got into a debate about how to pronounce gif. They wanted to vote but Elinor refused to add her opinion as she thought both were correct which led them to a tie.

Sammy and Daniella also got into good natured disagreement after Daniella told everyone about Sammy and her Djins. They spent quite some time trying to debunk her beliefs to which Sammy responded with all sort of unexplained things that happen throughout the world. Elinor got up from her seat and sat went to sit with Earthee realizing she was the most silent one in the group. She was laughing and smiling with others but not much opinion leaked out of her. "I hope you like that I planned this little trip in our schedule," Elinor asked her, as Sammy and Daniella kept mocking each other. "Oh! I absolutely love it, I am looking forward to visiting the caves, I've heard they are too good to be real."

"Well, most of this island is manmade, so the caves must have been very strategically created." Elinor stated in a matter of fact tone. "The caves are not manmade, they are old, older than the existence of man," she replied, but it didn't look like she was joking. Her face had no expression for a second and then as if she collected her thoughts or realized what she had said, she smiled and added, "It's just a theory I have I think a lot more of this island is natural than it is let on, but I'm sure that's incorrect." Elinor looked at the rest of the girls, unable to decide what to make of it, looked back at Earthee and said, "I guess we will never know, there is probably a reason why they never let reporters, foreign delegates or researchers mess around in the island." She was about to ask her how her conspiracy theory cam into being but couldn't as they bus stopped moving. They had reached their destination.

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