Wim Hof Methodby wimhofmethod
Find out about the amazing Wim Hof Method, what it is, what are the benefits and why are people submerging themselves in zero degrees water? Learn about who wim Hof is...

Spiritual Rebelby sharonrosealex
A Path of Vulnerability? What does that look like for a 24 year old that feels stuck at 17? How does she find herself when everything around her seems to be never ending...

Therapeutic Yoga and Social Workby kellylovesflowers
Yoga and clinical social work practice integrated can reap mental, physical, and spiritual health benefits both the clinician and the client. There are presently growing...

The Yoga of Breathby Fit Life UK
The Yoga of Breath is your guide to discovering the trans formative power of breath in yoga practice. Through simple yet profound breathing techniques, this book takes y...

A.M Ascension by Afrolicious Mumma
A book of mental wealth guidance from a lived experience perspective..