Darkness Before the Dawn: A Poetic...by Charles Gates Jr
Following the death of his nephew, two months before the miscarriage of his daughter, Skye, Charles entered his darkest hour.. Filled with doubts and questions, he searc...
Chapter 4: Forgive me, Father; Dar...by Charles Gates Jr
In the fourth chapter of 'Darkness before the Dawn: A Poetic Journey' the Author comes to the end of his strength to hold on. All he wants to do is let go, but he fears...
Chapter 5: Path of Lifeby Charles Gates Jr
Continuing where the fourth chapter ends, Charles reflects on the road he travelled this far, and acknowledges he still has a long way to go before reaching the morning...
Darkness Before the Dawn: A Poetic...by Charles Gates Jr
If you struggle with suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies or have a weak stomach, mind, spirit and heart than skip past this chapter of my book. It is s...
Final Chapter of Darkness Before t...by Charles Gates Jr
In the book's conclusion Charles is faced with opposition as he arrives at a crossroads where sacrifices must be made, and costs must be counted. Will he choose the righ...