ximenna and callie: A fight for ou...by Queen_ZBK100
ximenna and Callie I ship it and I don't want to hear any objections

AS FI STIUTby Alexandra Butnaru
Dar daca tu ai fi ramas, ochii mei nu s ar mai fi scufundat la strigarea numelui tau.

Un Crăciun magic!🌲🦌by Emy_Ema__
Acest copil nu își dorea nimik decat o familie care să îl iubească!🥺❤va fi si partea a 2 din povestea :Un craciun magic🌲🦌❤

A Letter From A Dreamerby Lorena Gabriela Silva
Fear and uncertainty, this is what every DREAMER feels while we wait to find out what will happen to DACA. I urge you to read this letter and to hear my story. I urge yo...

Chucky!🔪🤡by Emy_Ema__
Păpusa avea păr portocaliu era înbrăcat într-o șalopetă albastră si o bluză colorată si avea lovituri oe față

Schimbă-te pe tine ca să schimbi l...by Cristina_dreamer_ly
It's about humans. We want a change, but we don't change ourselves. You're change, don't forget this! I want a big change in the world and I change myself. I was offende...

A Dreamer Within a Dreamby ADreamerWithinADream
Take this hit and do not frown!
Ask! are you living for the now,
Thus much let us avow -
We are not wrong, who deem
That our days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flo...

WE the PEOPLEby peachydreamer
story about a teenage girl and her life written in her point of view, what's she gone through and her hardships. ups and downs.