Full-Cycle Recruitingby Steven Sims
How would you describe full-cycle recruiting? What does it mean? Recruitment is a complex process that involves sourcing candidates, screening them, interviewing them, h...

Jobs for New Graduatesby Steven Sims
What kind of jobs are out there for new graduates? Are they really worth pursuing? Learn more: https://blog.hirenest.com/jobs-for-new-graduates-what-graduates-look-for/

Types of Pre-Employment Testsby Steven Sims
What kind of pre-employment tests should I take before applying for a job?
There are many types of pre-employment tests. Some employers require applicants to submit thei...

Spatial Reasoning is Importantby preemploymenttest
How important is spatial reasoning in recruiting and hiring? What skills should recruiters look out for? Spatial reasoning refers to our ability to perceive and interpre...

ATS or HRISby Steven Sims
The acronym stands for Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and Human Resource Information System. These systems allow banks to automate their teller operations and provide in...

What Is Data-Driven Recruitmentby preemploymenttest
Data-driven recruitment refers to using data analytics to identify candidates who fit a specific job description. The goal is to save time and reduce costs by eliminatin...

Soft Skills Evaluation Methodsby BlogHireNest
How do you evaluate soft skills? What are some effective methods to assess them? Learn more: https://blog.hirenest.com/soft-skills-evaluation-methods-without-bias/

Reduce Time to Hireby preemploymenttest
How much time does it take to hire someone? How long does it usually take before they start working? What should I look out for when hiring new employees? Hiring a great...

Qualities That Great Bosses Shareby Steven Sims
What qualities does a great boss share? What makes them successful? Learn more: https://blog.hirenest.com/21-top-qualities-that-great-bosses-share/
A good leader is some...

Recruitment KPIsby preemploymenttest
What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that recruiters should focus on when they are looking to hire new talent? Hiring top talent is critical to every company's...

Structured vs Unstructured Intervi...by Steven Sims
You've probably heard the term 'unstructured interview' before. What does it mean exactly? How should you prepare for it? Learn more: https://blog.hirenest.com/structure...

What is Reliabilityby Steven Sims
What does reliability mean to you? How important is it to you? Is it something you value or even care about?
When you talk about reliability, you might be thinking about...

Companies with Strict Dress Codesby Steven Sims
Companies with Strict Dress Codes
What kind of company has strict dress codes? Companies with strict dress codes are usually very formal places where employees wear suit...

Hire Retail Workersby Steven Sims
How much should I pay my retail workers? Should I offer them health insurance or not? What kind of benefits should they receive? In today's economy, employers often stru...

Hiring vs Recruitingby Steven Sims
How often do you hear someone say they want to hire or recruit someone, only to realize later that they didn't really mean it? Learn more: https://blog.hirenest.com/hir...

Remote Hiring Processby preemploymenttest
How would you rate the effectiveness of remote hiring processes? Hiring managers often struggle to find qualified candidates who meet their expectations. They might even...

Bias Examples in Hiringby Steven Sims
How would you define bias? What does it mean? How can you spot it? We often hear about hiring biases, but what exactly is it? And why should you care?
Hiring bias refer...

Difference Between Percentile vs P...by Steven Sims
What is the difference between percentile and percentage?
Percentage means the number of people who fall below a certain value divided by the total population. For examp...

Providing Constructive Criticismby preemploymenttest
How often should you provide constructive criticism? There are two types of feedback: positive and negative. Positive feedback helps us improve our performance, whereas...

Hiring High-Potential Candidatesby BlogHireNest
How do you hire high potential candidates?
You've probably heard the saying "hire slow, fire fast." This means that you should only hire someone who has prove...