#1IT'S GOTHAM AFTER ALLby QUEEN OF NARROWS2K91629Lee Thompkinsgothamnarrowsthompkins+4 more #2What Passes For Newby Scott Whitaker3731descriptivequotidiannarrows+7 more #3How Ally Got Her Tattoosby Scott Whitaker10331blackrecipestattoos+7 more #4Victor. Ice Skating Alone. Decembe...by Scott Whitaker2421icequotidianwinter+9 more #5Narrows Christmas Dayby Scott Whitaker4401poetrynarrowscountry+8 more #6I Know My Life Has Runby Scott Whitaker1811modernwatermenpoetry+7 more #7House is Ten Feet Wideby Scott Whitaker2811quotidiannerveswinter+9 more #8Fog and Rain. Seagulls and Rusty C...by Scott Whitaker3011quotidiandailypoem+7 more #9i wish i was locked in my room for...by Scott Whitaker2311dailymarshpunkquotidian+7 more #10Autumn Marsh. Black Narrowsby Scott Whitaker5011poemmenmarshpunk+10 more #11Old Miss Neecyby Scott Whitaker2121characterblackpoetry+6 more #12The Gear Wheel Remains in the Marshby Scott Whitaker6631quotidianpoetrymarshpunk+7 more #13Ophelia of Black Narrowsby Scott Whitaker2941youthmonologuewatermen+7 more #14On the Daisyby Scott Whitaker1811quotidiandoubleprompt+8 more #15Jerome valeska by Marti Parlascini2701the one that would happen if jerome valeska had not diedvaleskacomicsjerome+8 more #16Sea Hagby Scott Whitaker2131blackmarshpunkmurder+10 more #17Song of the Familyby Scott Whitaker2241painsblackhomage+6 more #18Victor, Ice Skating, December Narr...by Scott Whitaker3221iceblackpoetry+9 more #19Black Narrows Allyby Scott Whitaker2811citysteamoystertown+8 more #20Warby Alexandra Rossi2112Damian Wayne has been driven mad trying to find himself. Following the aftermath of the movie, Batman vs. Robin, Damian resorts to seeking guidance from the one person h...destructionvengeancecarson+18 more