90. When intentional sin becomes d...by Renewedhealth
Sin has a way of removing God from your life, when you allow the cup of intentional sin to overflow it switches over to full scale rebellion.

99. Why you should forgiveby Renewedhealth
The way you judge others is basically setting a precedent for your own upcoming trial.

92. It really is your choiceby Renewedhealth
God teaches you when you ignorantly sin, he chastises intentional sin, and lovingly punish rebellion to save you from ruin and death.

100. To reconcile, restore and hea...by Renewedhealth
As long as you have the master-builder in your life He will restore your life to the original design.

97. Why forgiveness is hard- 1by Renewedhealth
What makes forgiveness difficult is the intensity of the offense, the motive, your relationship with the offender and the persons attitude regarding the offense.

124. How is it with your soul? by Renewedhealth
If your soul, inward person is tired, dirty, hungry, thirsty, toxic, diseased, hurt, out breath, worn out and ready collapse Gods message to you is:
Matthew 11:28-30 (T...

91. Abandoned and dragged away by...by Renewedhealth
All types of sin is characterized by a going away from God and moving deeper into the darkness.

89. They know they are wrongby Renewedhealth
God knows and sees the hearts and intentions of man.

98. Why forgiveness is hard-2by Renewedhealth
Biblical forgiveness requires you to tale responsibility to fix what someone else may have damaged with Gods help.

93. Turn around while you still canby Renewedhealth
Rebellious sin shows no remorse for
sin and therefore will see no need to repent.

96. Burdens, consequences and guil...by Renewedhealth
When God forgives the penalty of death is removed, the burden of sin may also be lifted, but not necessarily the consequences.

94. Freed from the burdens you car...by Renewedhealth
The Hebrew word 'nasah' (forgiveness) means to lift, bear and carry sin away.

95. Restorative forgivenessby Renewedhealth
The Hebrew word Salach (forgive/pardon) is a forgiveness only God can offer.