Perfectfaith Stories

252 Stories

Is Experience the Best Teacher? by CurtKlingerman
Is Experience the Best Teacher?by Curt Klingerman
People like to say, "Experience is the best teacher." Is it really?
Dominance Over Sin by CurtKlingerman
Dominance Over Sinby Curt Klingerman
How many would say, "I'm struggling with a particular sin, and I can't seem to shake it?" Here are somethings to consider.
Afraid of Change by CurtKlingerman
Afraid of Changeby Curt Klingerman
Are you afraid of change, even if it's for the better? Don't be. . .
Procrastinating or Waiting on The Lord? by CurtKlingerman
Procrastinating or Waiting on Curt Klingerman
There is a difference between procrastination and waiting on the Lord.
Feel Guilty and Defeated? by CurtKlingerman
Feel Guilty and Defeated?by Curt Klingerman
Do you feel guilty and defeated over sin?
Rubbing Their Nose in It by CurtKlingerman
Rubbing Their Nose in Itby Curt Klingerman
How many love having their nose rubbed in their past, sins, failures and mistakes? Why would anyone to that to someone else?
What is the Fear of the Lord? by CurtKlingerman
What is the Fear of the Lord?by Curt Klingerman
What does the fear of the Lord mean? Are we supposed to be afraid of Him?
Dear Glory-Seeker by CurtKlingerman
Dear Glory-Seekerby Curt Klingerman
What's wrong with taking center stage?
Change Society by CurtKlingerman
Change Societyby Curt Klingerman
God has given all of us an opportunity to change society for the better.
A Winning Resolution by CurtKlingerman
A Winning Resolutionby Curt Klingerman
What is a major problem with personal resolutions? How can person get rid of them?
Your Relevance by CurtKlingerman
Your Relevanceby Curt Klingerman
Are there consequences for seeking relevance by seeking the approval of others?
Indifference by CurtKlingerman
Indifferenceby Curt Klingerman
Can indifference be a good thing?
Anointing With Oil by CurtKlingerman
Anointing With Oilby Curt Klingerman
What is the significance of olive oil, and what are some differences between Old and New Testament anointing?
Anointing With Oil (Part One) by CurtKlingerman
Anointing With Oil (Part One)by Curt Klingerman
What does it mean to anoint with oil? What purpose does it serve?
God is Always Working Behind the Scenes by CurtKlingerman
God is Always Working Behind the Curt Klingerman
Walking by says, "God is always working behind the scenes." Not everything is as it seems.
Are Christians Sinners? by CurtKlingerman
Are Christians Sinners?by Curt Klingerman
Is it accurate to say, "Christians are just sinners saved by grace?"
The Pursuit of Happiness by CurtKlingerman
The Pursuit of Happinessby Curt Klingerman
Why can the pursuit of happiness be so elusive?
The Grass Looks Greener by CurtKlingerman
The Grass Looks Greenerby Curt Klingerman
Some say, "The grass looks greener on the other side," but where is the greenest grass?
Comfort by CurtKlingerman
Comfortby Curt Klingerman
With rare exception, everyone experiences loss and sorrow. The disciples of Jesus Christ have a distinct advantage when it comes to mourning.
White-Knuckle Christianity by CurtKlingerman
White-Knuckle Christianityby Curt Klingerman
Why do people struggle in their Christian walk? Perhaps, they're white-knuckling it.