Hi, everyone! Fyi, this story is (as stated in the title) based on Keeper of the Lost Cities' world. However, unlike some other stories, this one is not about Sophie and her friends, though they are involved. The main character is Everlie Revier, a girl around Fitz's age, and instead of being centered around Black Swan, this story's main organization is Evening. In case you were wondering, the start of this book overlaps with the start of Nightfall. (Dear readers, did you notice that Nightfall and Evening mean pretty much the same thing?) Anyway, if you haven't read Lodestar yet, I recommend that a) you read it and b) don't read this book until you do. Oh, and btw, in this book a Forgotten Secret is revealed: humans, as one of the six intelligent species, have supernatural powers too. P.S. I won't tell you what they are yet. I love torturing people. (Like, with the cliffhanging thing.) P.P.S. This isn't real, in case some of you forgot about that part. P.P.P.S. Fun fact: I don't know what P.S. stands for. Or P.P.P.S., for that matter.