In this urban fiction novel, we follow an unbalanced and disturbed young Ava Jones, a social media influencer on a path of self-destruction through her perception. Merely existing takes place in the present day. The overall setting is directed to occur in various parts of Georgia. She tells her story through recollections of memories while cultivating a deceptive image of herself to those around her and also the cyberspace community in the present time. Ava utilizes the social media platform, as her next meal ticket; never truly regarding the opinion of those who bestowed her the fame that she embellishes in. Just when Ava begins to establish attachments believing she has found a renewed sense of purpose; her mental health and past start to haunt her causing her world to come crashing down. Whilst Ms.Jones is trying to find her identity in modern-day society it appears she can't control the rabbit hole full of regret and repercussions she finds herself sporadically spiraling down. Is it too late for Ava to truly understand the point of existing, or will she allow her past to dictate her future?