All the 2nd army within the little palace come up with an idea to put their Grisha symbols with the first letter of their name in a bag. Everyone gets to choose and the last one goes to the General after everyone chose since he was talked into it. Amira doesn't think much of it since she's hid with her secret but decides when she gets the paper to put her true nature on her paper of Sun Summoner and Tidemaker with an A. The Key thing is to write and then after your third or fourth letter you can arrange a meet up. As Amira watches she sees the anticipation of all the other Grisha girls except her friends. But it's clear their choice of paper was not what they wanted. Marie doesn't seem to mind her own and Nadia doesn't. When it's Amira's chance to pick she reaches in worried she'll get her own paper but as she pulls it out and looks at it she sees a darkling symbol with the letter A. Fedyor checks seeing one left and takes it to Aleksander as he places it down informing it that this was the last one. Aleksander opens it figuring it was a Squaller, Inferni, or one of the others and easy for him to figure out but is surprised when he sees two Grisha symbols with the letter A. Will they figure it out?