Lucy Carr was born with light. Just like everyone else. But as she got older the ball light disappeared and that's when she knew she had to go find it. Will she find it or will Senka, the darkness win? A light... a ball of light. Everyone is born with it The loudness overwhelmed her sense of doom became more and more..real. Like she wasn't going to be okay. The sound seem to get loud the crowds laughter and talking seems to be turned up. Her vision blurred as she couldn't see if she was crying. And she was. She was crying and it wasn't the happy crying that people have or the sad crying.. But the crying about how disappointed she was for herself.. How she failed again. The at got got way worse to the point where she couldn't breathe. And as she stood the middle of the crowd losing sense of was at this moment..the light that she went out..and she knew only darkness.