Absentee father IV christmas special

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December 21st

While Lucifer was driving Trixie happily started questioning her mom about christmas and what she would want santa to bring her this year, when they arrived Lucifer got out of the car and opened the doors for Chloe and Trixie.

-In the house-

Lucifer went to the kitchen and started searching for the ingredients to make dinner for his girls while making dinner Trixie asked her mom 'Mom can Lucifer spend this christmas with us ?' she asked shyly. Chloe looked at Lucifer and again to her daughter and said 'Why don't we ask him ?'

Chloe stood up from the sofa and went to her boyfriend side before she asked him, Chloe hugged his waist and on her tiptoes kissed his neck.Lucifer turned around and saw his detective mischieviously smiling at him when she saw his reaction she started laughing, Lucifers knees went weak when he heard her cute laugh. He was quite a lovesick fool for her and he knows it.

When Chloe stopped laughing she gave him a chaste kiss, Lucifer was so struck that he almost forgot that he was making dinner. 'Detective' he whispered to her ear, Chloes cheeks went red from his devilish voice.

Chloe shook her head and turned around 'Lucifer, me and Trixie were wondering if you would maybe would like to spend this christmas with us?' she asked him. Lucifer softly smiled and slowly put his head on her head. 'It would be a honor for me to spend this christmas with you and your offspring' Lucifer said .After the dinner was made everyone sat on the sofa and started eating the food that Lucifer made , while eating Trixie recommended her mom and Lucifer to watch some movies before sleep. Chloe tried to say that they could watch tomorrow ,but lucifer agreed before she could say anything.

So that night they were watching "Grinch" they were already halfway on the movie, when Lucifer was laying on Chloes lap and sleeping while Trixie cuddled herself to Lucifers side, Chloe smiled at her little family that they made themselves and slowly fell asleep.

-The next day-

Chloe stirred and slowly started opening her eyes ,the bright light reflected onto them but it still haven't woken up Trixie nor Lucifer so it left only Chloe awake ,her neck was really sore from her sleeping pose she tried to strech and move her neck a little so it would at least lessen the pain. She looked at Lucifer and kissed his forehead she whispered into his ear 'I love you ,but can you please move i can't feel my legs' Lucifer stirred and whined. She laughed at his adorbale whining so she tried a different tactic to wake him up from his sleep, she kissed him on the lips and tried deepen it until he will be fully awake.

Lucifers POV

He was peacefully sleeping until he heard his Detectives voice ,whispering to him into his ear telling him to wake up and move himself, he whimpered and cuddled himself close to Chloe's stomach.Unconsciously his hands slowly reached her stomach until he felt detectives tongue in his mouth, without thinking he moaned and groaned in her mouth.

Well good morning to you to darling Lucifer said rubbing his eyes, Chloe laughed and leaned to his side to kiss him this time on the nose and his forehead ,good morning babe Chloe said caressing his face. Can you please move babe I can't feel my legs Chloe whined while Lucifer was staring at her with love and tenderness until he remembered what his detective asked of him so he started moving himself off of his girlfriend.

When Lucifer moved himself off of the detective he kissed her on the head and went to cook his girls some breakfast. Chloe gratefully smiled at him and carefully stood up from the sofa so she wouldn't fall on the floor ,slowly she started walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth and fix her hair.

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