Absentee father III

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Chloe looked around and found the most adorable scene ever her boyfriend and her daughter were dancing,laughing even joking around with eachother. *Chloe sighed and smiled at the scene infront of her* she couldn't believe  that her life get could any better than that.

Smiling she forgot that someone tried to get her attention for quite a while when Chloe snapped back from the scene, she saw one that one of the mothers were trying to talk to her. She didn't really want to talk to anyone but she forced herself to talk to the mother.

Hey sorry i didn't really  saw or heard you talking *Chloe said while forcefully smiling* it's okay i saw at what you were looking at *The mother smiled and winked at her* Chloe rolled her eyes and somehow managed to make friends with the mother she was talking to.

While her boyfriend and her daughter danced Chloe talked with her new friend Ori they both had a lot in common like they both were divorced and they both shared same interest to helping people.

After half an hour her boyfriend came back from the dance and started searching for his girlfriend while he searched one of the mothers came to him and started flirting with him, Lucifer rolled his eyes and looked at the woman that was flirting with him.' I'm sorry darling but i'm already taken by one of the most exquisite woman' *Lucifer said to the mother*.

The mother walked away and grumbled to herself about how it's not fair that the hot guys are always taken. When Lucifer saw his mate he lost his breath and started walking towards Chloe he hadn't looked at another woman because he already was heels inlove.

Chloe adorably laughed at the story that her new friend told her. Ori was one of the diffrent mothers she didn't try to talk about how her boyfriend is one of the richest club owners in LA.While they were talking Lucifer came behind Chloe  and kissed her on the neck Chloe didn't had time to react when he whispered to her ear 'So will you greet your new friend love ?' Lucifer asked.

Chloe shivered and then turned around to look Lucifer in the eyes she stared at him for couple of minutes and then kissed him on the lips the kiss wasn't passionate it was slow and one of the 'i miss you' kisses. Chloe stopped the kiss and looked at her friend she wasn't really used to kissing her boyfriend infront of everyone except when she was jealous and tried to show that he's taken by her and only her.

Ori smiled and greeted herself to Lucifer 'Hi nice to meet you my name is Ori' Lucifer put his arms around Chloes waist and greeted himself 'Lucifer Morningstar Chloes boyfriend' Chloe rolled her eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

Ori looked at the couple and smirked at them both,Lucifer preened and didn't let go his girl.Until she saw how late it is  Chloe hugged her new friend and gave her number  so they could talk
to eachother.

-Few minutes later-

Trixie  has been waiting at the gyms doors  for her mom and her bestfriend Lucifer, while Trixie was waiting she saw her dad searching for her and looking at Lucifer with a really angry look. While her dad was searching for Trixie.She started walking towards her mom and Lucifer to tell that her dad came to her school.

Lucifer saw Beatrices scared look that he knew very well from his time in hell when he was still a king of hell, Lucifer was worried for her so he fastly ran to Beatrice and knelt to her level to see why she was really scared.

'Beatrice' Lucifer softly called her name, 'Is everything alright' with a worried look he looked at Trixie. 'I.i.i.. saw my dad' Trixie told him with tears in her eyes. Lucifer sighed and told her 'Urchin you know that you'll be safe with me and your mother if your father will do something he'll have hell to pay'.

Trixie hugged Lucifer and thanked him, 'Alright urchin let's go find your mother and leave this hell of a place'Lucifer shuddered and picked Trixie up and put her on his shoulders. Trixie squeled and laughed. They both were searching for the detective until Trixie saw her mom talking on the phone, Trixie tapped Lucifer's head and showed where her mom is standing.

Lucifer started walking towards his girlfriend with Trixie on his shoulders,Lucifer waved his hand at Chloe so she could see him while walking Dan saw Lucifer and his daughter smiling at eachother ,Dan hated that Lucifer spent more time with his ex wife and his daughter.

Detective! Lucifer shouted smiling at her with his beautiful british smile that charms everybody,Chloe looked at Lucifer and then turned around to her new friend and said her last goodbye's to her friend Ori.

Chloe grabbed Lucifers hand and leaned to kiss him on the lips 'Love you babe' Lucifer smirked at her and then grabbed her little waist and put her body around his,Trixie saw them and loudly said 'eww' Chloe and Lucifer laughed and started walking towards the exit of the gym. 'Did you had a great time monkey ?'Chloe asked.

Are you kidding !? Trixie shouted 'Of course i had an amazing time !'  Lucifer slowly removed Trixie from his shoulders and put her on the ground, Lucifer smiled at his girls and laughed to himself 'Alright girls go in the car' Lucifer said.

Chloe smiled at Lucifer and kissed him on the cheek'Thank you babe for everything' Chloe sighed 'since Dan started ignoring Trixie and stopped coming to her birthdays i always had to say to her and reassure that her dad still loves her'.

Lucifer took Chloes both hands and said 'Chloe you have to stop defending him it's not good for you nor for your daughter' Lucifer softly smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead 'If you will keep defending him he won't stop, i can see it in your detective that it's  breaking you slowly and it has to STOP now.'Lucifer sighed and let go of her hands.

Lucifer hands reached the car door and opened it for Chloe 'I'll make dinner for you girls since you haven't eaten anything today'. They both sat in their seats and fastened their belts Trixie did the same thing.

Lucifer started the car and started driving.


Damn i'm so sorry that it took so long my mind was so empty because of the stress.

Oh yeah and i will be writing Absentee father christmas special or smth like that ;)

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