Absentee father V

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December 22

While Trixie was sleeping in her bed Lucifer and Chloe were cuddling and reading their books in their bedroom, from time to time they both looked at each other not believing that they can be this happy without anyone to disturb them. Chloe closed her book and put then put her book on the bookshelf that's standing above their heads.

Lucifer did the same and after he put his book Lucifer put his hand on her stomach and kissed her on the neck, Chloe turned around and put her hands on his muscles. 'I know it will be our first Christmas Eve and I wanted ask you if you would like to spend this Christmas with us and our friends ?' Chloe asked 'I.I..i don't know what to say but i would love to spend with you and your urchin this Christmas' Lucifer wanted to cry out of happiness and gratefulness that he  can spend now this Christmas not alone but with an amazing family and a lot of friends that cares about him'.

Chloe softly smiled at him and put her little hands on his face and kissed him on his soft warm lips. 'Goodnight babe' . Chloe slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep. Lucifer murmured' Goodnight darling' he put his arms around her possessively and kissed her on the forehead and went to sleep, when he closed his eyes he heard his miracle snoring like an Albanian field wench.
Lucifer laughed to himself and then smiled with happiness that he felt inside of him.

December 23rd

Chloe woke up and saw Lucifer standing near their bed holding a tray with pancakes and some waffles with some syrup on top of it, a coffee and some delicious fruits near it. 'Aww thanks babe' Chloe was so shocked that Lucifer brought her breakfast to bed since her ex husband never did anything romantic like that for her. Lucifer sat down on the bed and put the tray on her legs and watched her

beautifully gorgeous eyes close from the food he brought for her to bed, 'mm Lucifer these are the most delicious pancakes I have ever eaten in my life'. Lucifer preened from her compliment and said 'Well I'm happy that you are enjoying this delicious food that i've made for you darling'. Chloe smiled at him and leaned to kiss him on the lips 'You should cook more for us because I don't think that we'll survive without your food'

'Good to know' Lucifer kissed her on the forehead and went to pick up the tray of food that was already eaten. 'I'll wait for you darling downstairs' he softly smiled at her and left the bedroom.

Chloe sighed out of happiness she couldn't really believe that she would have this little family that they build up after the years of anger and sadness. She left her bed and went to dress up for this Christmas holiday.

When Chloe dressed up she walked down the stairs to see Lucifer teaching history to her daughter. She took out her phone and took the picture of them together. "Hey guys" she softly smiled at them and thought about what her life before was when she haven't met Lucifer and others that made her life complete. "Hey love we were just about to go out and buy everything for tomorrow" Lucifer melted under Chloe's stare. "Oh really and i wasn't invited ? "

Chloe said with some accusation. "Well you weren't really..." Lucifer gulped when he saw Chloe's look " don't you even dare to finish this sentence, or you will be in a lot of trouble young man." Sorry" Lucifer looked down. "Can you not be so adorable and cute" Chloe put her both arms on the hips while staring at him and smiling.

"I'm not cute nor adorable I'm the devil and I am scary" Lucifer sputtered' "Yeah you are really scary babe". She laughed and went to grab his hand so they could go to the store and buy the products they will need this Christmas Eve.

In the store

Chloe and Lucifer were walking together and trying to find the right spices, and the turkey they will be going to cook and eat later. "Darling look what I've found ! "  he was like a child who found something interesting and wanting to show it to someone. Chloe laughing to herself at his shenanigans and his childish behavior towards the food she walked to him and looked at what brought his attention and she saw a dragon fruit. "Can we please buy it ?" He looked at her with his puppy eyes. "No, Lucifer put it back" she shook her head and continued to drag the cart.

Lucifer sighed and put the fruit back in the basket with all of the other dragon fruits, Chloe turned around and saw Lucifer looking down  on the floor. *Chloe sighed* "alright babe we can buy dragon fruit" she said to him while looking at him softly. "Really" he perked up and waited for her answer. Chloe nodded and waited for him to grab that weird looking fruit that clearly got his attention in the market.

After Lucifer grabbed the fruit he looked at Chloe and like a child that got something he wanted, smiled and continued to shop for the things that they came for.

After they ended shopping, they drove back home and went to empty the bags of food and put everything in the fridge and cupboards where they belong.

Chloe not wanting to do anything went to bathroom to relax with a bathtub full of warm water.

December 24th

Lucifer, Chloe and Trixie started putting the plates on the table and the food that's already had been cooked by Lucifer.

The guests now had started arriving and waiting for the others to be done before they can go and celebrate Christmas Eve.

When Lucifer saw how everyone's happy and laughing at something that Amenadiel told, at that moment he knew that he has a family and friends that loves him not of what he can do but for being himself.

Lucifer shook his head and smiled lovingly at his girlfriend who holds his heart and his entire broken soul. "Are you okay Lucifer ?" Chloe asked him worriedly , at that Lucifer smiled knowing that he's not alone anymore." I'm actually pretty great darling".

Everyone gathered around the table and started eating and talking about the things they would like to do next year."Hey Luci, do you have any plans that you would like to do next year ?" Amenadiel asked him curiously. "

Lucifer thought about it and responded "Well at this moment i don't really have any plans brother" everyone laughed, talked and gave each other presents until it was getting really late so every guest had to leave the house so they could get ready to put for her daughter presents under the Christmas tree. "Bye Linda,Amenadiel and Charlie" Chloe waved her hand and closed the door. "Monkey go brush your teeth"

Chloe yawned and stretched her arms adorably and went to cuddle with her boyfriend "I can't believe that we can have this after everything that happened"she couldn't stop smiling when she saw Lucifer looking at her with love in his eyes." I can't believe that myself but I'm happy that we have this " he sighed and put his hand around her small body.

Chloe not long after fell asleep...

December 26th

Chloe woke up groaning at the pain in her neck sleeping on Lucifer while laying on his legs "Well,hello darling" He cheekily said, "Hi" she yawned and stretched her whole body while raising her arms."Did you slept well darling ?"he looked really happy having his own little family to spend time with . "Pretty great babe" Chloe replied.

"Presents!" They both looked and saw Trixie running straight to Christmas tree to open the presents.

The end  of the Christmas chapter  🎄 🎁

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