Absentee father VI

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Supernatural crossover

Chloe has called Lucifer and told him to arrive at the location where the new body has dropped. While Lucifer was talking with detective on the phone she started saying some details about the case and the body and while he was listening to the detective talking he already had started walking to his corvette.

When he was already halfway to the crime scene he saw a lot of trees and most likely the murder happened at the forest. Knowing himself he will probably will be mostly right about that.While thinking about the obvious things his detective has stopped talking about the crimes scene before ending the call she had said that she will be waiting for him at the crime scene.

At the crime scene

Smiling Lucifer went to his favourite forensics scientist Ella Lopez and greeted himself, Ella like usual hugged him and smiled at him like his little sister used to.

When Chloe saw Lucifer talking to Ella she walked to his side and hugged him and when she looked around and saw that no one was looking at them she kissed him on the lips. Good morning to you to love Lucifer said softly smiling and enjoying her carefree side.

When Chloe moved herself away from Lucifer she turned again to her detective side and showed him the victim, the victim was a 11 year old boy. Who found the body ? Chloe asked, The body was found by the old couple they're right now being questioned Ella said.

Thank you Ella Chloe said smiling at the little forensics scientist, after Lucifer was done talking with Ella they went to question the old couple.

The old couple were in distress since they found the young child in the middle of the woods dead. Chloe took out her notepad & pen and started questioning them at the same time giving them some comfort.

When she was done questioning Chloe looked at Lucifer and saw that he felt the same way as her, they were both angry and sad that one of the most purest souls were killed in the most strangest circumstances.

They both needed some comfort but they knew that they're at work so for some time so for some time they will need to hide their emotions. Until the case will be closed and the murderer will be found.

While Lucifer and Chloe were working on their case they saw two suspicious people standing and observing the body from afar. Chloe without thinking looked at Lucifer and saw that he had the same idea as her so they nodded at eachother and started walking towards them.

Castiels pov

'Dean i don't think we'll find anything here'Castiel said with a little bit of annoyance in his voice, 'Cas someone is killing here in this forest children and as you know every child is somehow left without any scratch!' Dean rolled his eyes and sighed 'Cas I know it's not a human that's killing or at least stealing their lives from these kids' Dean said. 'Hey Cas are there any of your brothers that works with the LAPD ?' Dean asked with question in his eyes.'Not that I know of ,why do you ask ?'Castiel said questioningly. 'Well I don't know, maybe cause I see your brother right over there working with the police' Dean looked again at Castiels brother and saw that the woman and the brother of Cas were walking towards them.

Hi I'm detective Chloe Decker and that's my partner Lucifer Morningstar we saw that you were looking... Lucifer cut her off before she could end the sentence "Brother ?!" Lucifer looked bewildered at seeing his angelic brother with a human. "Hey Luci i didn't even think that I could see you ever again" Castiel said without any emotion in his eyes except his body showed that his grateful to see his big brother even if they haven't saw or talked for millennia. " Wait that's your brother ?!" Chloe looked at Castiel then looked again at Lucifer shocked. "Yes darling that's my little brother Castiel" Lucifer looked at Chloe softly then he turned again to Castiel "So brother won't you introduce your human to us ?" He asked smiling to himself that at least one of his brother left Silver City and came to earth.

"This is Dean Winchester my... " Castiel struggled to say the word so Dean cut in and said " I'm his boyfriend" Lucifer was shocked to hear that his brother is in relationship, but one thing he couldn't believe that he's into men."Congratulations pigeon" Lucifer smiled at his little brother and hugged him to show that he accepts him. "Thanks" Castiel looked down at the ground while his hand was on the back of his head. " No need to be shy brother I'm proud of you that you at least found someone who cares for you" Lucifer couldn't hide his amusement that his little brother was really shy at showing his emotions and other things that shows who he really is inside and outside."Lucifer it's great that you found your brother, but i have to question them"Chloe looked at Lucifer annoyingly.

Lucifer looked at Chloe and smiled "Alright then go on detective" She grabbed her notebook and pen and started questioning Lucifers brother and his brother's boyfriend.

"Is it somehow related to celestial matters ?" Chloe looked at Lucifer waiting for his answer.

I know it's shorter than i intended but comment if you want me to continue this story.

P.s the name "pigeon" I got from one of the fan fictions that I've read where Crowley called him a pigeon because of his wings.

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