Sad Lucifer

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Lucifer and Chloe were in the precinct enjoying each others presence, Lucifer like always was  whining about paperwork. While Chloe was just trying to focus.Lucifer felt something like someone is watching them,

Few hours later Chloe and Lucifer left the precinct and walked towards the car,and again Lucifer felt a tingling, but it was different it felt like someone is trying to get out of him, Chloe had felt the same thing as him.They both looked at each other and said:

"I think someone is watching us Lucifer

Lucifer and Chloe opened the car door and then turned around, but not a minute later someone shot Chloe in the head making her losing her balance and dropping to the pavement. The bullet that was shot went through her skull and killed her instantly. Lucifer saw what happened and shouted so loud:

"Chloe "!

He knelt and held Chloe in his arms while he cried...the blood streaked from her forehead making a blood pool around her. Lucifer sprouted his white,angelic wings  and making a cocoon around them,while he held her around his arms he reached with his one arm his feather and pulled out the feather that could heal any celestial being. 

"Please Chloe d..d.don..t leave me"

He put one of his feather on her head and waited for it to heal, never healed. Lucifer cried and blamed it on his father that it's his fault that the Detective is gone, he prayed to his brother Amenadiel for help, 

"Whoosh" Lucifer heard the wings flapping and saw his brother in the middle of the night with his wings open. "Luci what happened" Amenadiel worriedly asked  his brother. Lucifer slowly opened his wings, but when Amenadiel saw it shocked him to his own core his brother was holding now a dead woman that his brother loved with all of his soul and heart. "Oh... Luci i'm so sorry" .

Lucifer whimpered and held the Detective so hard not wanting to let her go "It's my fault i should of had convinced her to go to my place to finish all of her paperwork instead..."  Amenadiel prayed to his little sister Azrael. "Luci don't blame yourself you know right that her job could get her killed "He tried to comfort his little brother but it only made it all worse." No it couldn't because my job as her partner is to protect her and look after her"!

Lucifer again looked at Chloe's dead body and kissed her on the head,"I promise i'll find him/her   and avenge for you my darling"... 

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