Absentee father II

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I put here some of my insecurities in these series  but i promise to you that when holidays will start i will manage to write more of these series.:One of these chapters will be all about christmas and holidays.

While Trixie has been getting ready for her dance ,Chloe has been trying to choose which dress she should wear even if she knew that Lucifer will be dancing with her daughter. While Chloe has been busy choosing a dress Lucifer has texted her:

'I'll arrive soon' wink smile.

Chloe picked her phone up and then read Lucifers text  ,Chloe smiled at the text and then texted him:

'Can't wait' Smiley face and  heart emojis.

Chloe put her phone down and walked to the bathroom to get a shower.

"20 minutes later"

Chloe walked out of the shower and then started drying her hair after she was done with her hair and her makeup she walked out of the bathroom. When she walked out of the bathroom she saw Lucifer standing and smiling at her with his mischievous smile.

'What the hell Lucifer!'Chloe shouted 

Lucifer leaned close to Chloe and whispered in her ear

'I was just walking around your house and then i saw that you were in the shower'

Chloe shuddered and then smacked him in the arm then shooed him away

'You're a pervert Luce' Chloe whispered to herself but somehow Lucifer managed to hear her so he just smirked and walked away.

*Chloe sighed and  smiled * and then walked to her bedroom to get ready for her daughters dance that will be happening at her school.

Chloe looked at her bedroom mirror and saw herself, she just stared and stared Chloe couldn't believe that someone could love her. She started thinking about her acting days when everyone judged her and shamed her for her life choices. Everyone just started at her and told her that she should atleast try to dress normal like an actress should. Her mom of course never helped her with her emotions. 

Chloes mind wandered when her father died while she was acting at that stupid movie she always hated. That movie only brought her heartbreak and pain.

 She couldn't escape from her own demons that haunted her through her acting days. When she was hurt or in pain no one was there for her Chloe was always on her own.

'Detective are you okay ?'

'I'm fine i will come out soon just give me 5 minutes' 

Chloe was trying really hard to hold her tears that were trying to spill over


Chloe dried some of her tears and then grabbed her dress and put it on, Chloe took a breath and then grabbed her makeup and put in on herself.

When she was done she opened her bedroom door and started walking towards The kitchen where Lucifer and Trixie were waiting for her.

Lucifers mouth was hanging open he stared at Chloe and couldn't believe that infront of him stands  the most exquisite woman. Lucifer walks towards Chloe and grabs her hands and then puts her hands on his heart, Lucifer closes his eyes and kisses her on the lips Chloe tries to deepen the kiss but Lucifer managed to stop her.

Chloe looks at Lucifer and pouts at him ,Lucifer found detectives pout really adorable but he rarely says that to her but when he says. Chloe always rolls her eyes and then giggles 

'Mom,Lucifer  let's go we'll be late!' Her daughter shouts and interrupts their moment

Chloe laughs and kisses him on the cheek and tells him 

'If you'll be a good devil tonight i'll accept your offer to go to Lux' Chloe whispers and giggles at his expression.

'Oh i promise to be a  really good Devil' Lucifer leaned near Chloes ear and whispered he knew how she's affected by him even if he can't tell her desires. ,like he can tell everyones.

'Guys cmon let's go' Trixie shouted 

Lucifer and Chloe grabbed their hands and left the house with Trixie beside them, Chloe saw the car that Lucifer drove here she couldn't believe with her eyes how beautiful and expensive the must've cost.

Trixie squealed and opened the car door and got in.

Lucifer started the car and begun to drive to Beatrices school about 20 minutes later they arrived everyone got out of the car and started walking to school where is happening Daughter & Father dance. Even if Dan won't be arriving to the dance  Lucifer will be stealing or atleast borrowing his place as a father, Trixie grabbed Lucifers hand and started running with him towards the school.

Chloe started laughing so hard when she saw her boyfriend and her daughter running towards the school but not a minute later they all entered and started going to gym where the dance is going to be.

All of the mothers stared at her boyfriend hungrily  so Chloe grabbed Lucifers neck and kissed him possessively so all of the moms could know that he's taken and already in a relationship. Lucifer didn't even understood what happened he was talking with Trixie until he felt that someone grabbed him and kissed him on the lips, Lucifer opened his eyes and saw her angel kissing him. He started laughing by Chloes  possessive reaction it was one of the things he liked the most about her. 

Darling you shouldn't be jealous i'm yours and only yours Lucifer laughed and then kissed Chloe on the forehead. Chloe pouted and went to hug Lucifer 'I know i just don't like when someone stares at you' Chloe stated to Lucifer. 

Trixie started laughing and enjoying her time with her friends until the song started that told that all of the dads should grab their daughters and go dance with them ,Trixie ran to Lucifer and grabbed his hand.

'Come on Lucifer let's go' Trixie unpatiently dragged him to the dancing ballroom and demanded hi mto go dance with her like all of the other kids have done with their dads 'Urchin you don't have to drag me'Lucifer complained 

Trixie rolled her eyes and continued to drag him to dance with her, Chloe looked at Trixie and Lucifer and saw both of them dance Lucifer held Trixies hands while she laughed at something that he said.

'cmon Lucifer let's go'Trixie demanded while dragging him where all of the other dads are dancing with their daughters. 'Urchin you don't have to drag me'Lucifer complained.

Trixie rolled her eyes and continued to drag him by his arm 'I know but i just really want to dance with you like all the other kids are' , Lucifer held both Trixies arms and started dancing.

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