Chapter 42 - The Surprise.

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Lily's POV - (25th August)

Today I am exactly 31 weeks. The last 3 weeks have been a little scary, I've been trying to be as chilled out and blazè about everything as I can, but it does have an effect. A few weeks ago I wasn't even sure if I would still be pregnant on this day.

That night, after us being at the hospital for 2 days, Tom stayed in bed with me again everything seemed to click into place and I felt closer to him immediately again. I know I'm the one who told him to go, but I didn't mean him to permanently stay away from me, I just meant for a bit, but once it became nights and then 2 weeks, I didn't know what to say to him... No, that's not it, I was too stubborn to tell him to come back and that I needed him.

I know that I've been a bitch to him and I've tried making up for that 100 times over, which he definitely enjoyed. And yes, the sex life is back, as much as it can be. This heavy bump is kinda dulling the mood a bit, but we make it work as much as possible.

I've also been in and out of hospital every time my blood pressure spikes, so the last 2 days me and Tom have been child free and he's taken me to a spa! It was beautiful and traquil and just perfect. We've had a beautiful 2 days together and my blood pressure has been normal. Thank the lord!

Tom has said today that he wanted my 'surprise' to happen and that I needed to keep my blood pressure down. That's not likely when he's got me a surprise! I'm already bouncing off the walls with excitement. 

I can't wait to find out what it is! I've got on a thin dress, with flowers across the top to keep me cool, because today has been yet another hot day. It stops at my knees so that I can get a bit of air flow and I'm wearing my cute strappy sandles.

England may not be known for it's sun, but when it is sunny, it's bloody hot! And not only that, it's the muggy and sticky kind of hot. So yes, I've gone with the lightest dress I can find, that will keep my boobs away at all costs, because those bad boys keep trying to escape! I've gone up 3 whole cup sizes and I wasn't exactly neglected in the boob department before my pregnancy.

Tommie loves them, it's a shame that they aren't going to stay this plump forever!

I go downstairs and Tom looks at me, he stops his movement and stares at me. "You look like one sexy mumma" he says with a smirk and I see him eying up my legs, as I come slowly down the stairs.

I roll my eyes, "it's hardly sexy Tommie, my ankles are 3 times bigger than they were, my feet won't fit into dolly shoes anymore and I'm fatter everywhere..." I say with a sigh. I honestly don't know how he still wants to have sex with me every night, but he does.

"Right come on then sexy, lets go for your surprise" it's 5:30, what on earth is he taking me to.

We get in a chauffeur driven car and sit in the back together, snuggled up. When we get to a bar/ resturant looking place we get out and he helps me up the stairs to the opening. We are met by a man in a suit, who shows us round to the inside and opens the door for us, Tom hold my shoulders and pulls me into him as we walk through the doors into a dark room.

Suddenly the lights come on and there's a big bannner saying "surprise" and everyone standing around with huge smiles on their faces! Oh my god!

"Happy 21st baby. I know it's a little later than it should be, but I wanted to make sure it was a good time for you and the baby" Tommie says in my ear and then kisses me deeply. I feel the tears roll down my cheeks and I try to stop them.

"Damn it, my mascara is going to run!" I say and everyone laughs.

They all say, "happy birthday Lily" and I go over to try and say hello to everyone. All my friends and family are here, including mum and dad! Then the party gets into full swing. 

"Happy birthday little sis" Clara says with a big smile and a hug. "Sorry we didn't shout surprise, but we wanted to make sure that your blood pressure didn't go up any more. I know you're a moody cow half the time now, but pregnancy really does suit you Lil you're glowing." She says with a shrug. I smile back and chat with her for a while, before one of the twins starts to cry for her. The twins are going to be 1 in a couple of weeks. I can't believe it. 

I see Tommie and walk over and squeeze his ass, which is beautifully on show in his suit trousers. "Oi, you! Keep your hands off. You can have me later, but for now I'm everyone's property" he says with a smirk. God he's so handsome, he's cut his beard down to a stubble and I love it.

"Well what can I say? I'm not good at sharing what's mine" I say with a seductive smile.

Tom leans down and kisses me passionately, when Jacob and Elenor come running over to say hi. We give them both a big hug and listen to their stories about what they've done for the last 2 days with Clara and Scott.

They stayed there for 2 days and by the sounds of it they've had fun. "What did you do?" Elenor asks me. I smile back at her, "me and daddy went and stayed somewhere with a massage table and we slept a lot!" I say, Elenors face scrunches up.

"That's not fun mummy!" I freeze and then look over at Tom. I have no idea what to say.

Tom tells them, "Mummy and daddy had as much fun as we could have, but you're right you wouldn't have liked it, that's why you stayed with Clara and Scott, because their house is so fun. Anyway what do you both say to mummy?" Tommie tells them both as they both happily nod and say, "Happy birthday mummy!!" I can't stop the beaming smile. I say thank you to them both and give them little kisses on their cheeks.

"Mummy put me down!" Elenor calls and I put her down. I look back up to Tommie who is smiling back down at me, "hello mummy". I feel the water works starting again.

"Hi daddy" I say through my tears, he hugs me to him and kisses me again. This is it, the moment that I've officially become their mummy.

This is the happiest day of my life so far.

3 hours later and it's just gone 9 and I've been told to sit down on the chair in the middle of the room. Oh god, what now!

Music starts to play and everyone standing around me. Then I see Tom come and stand in the middle with me. He gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring box.

He opens the lid and it's the most beautiful ring. Simple, just the way he knows I would love it. He takes my left hand and I feel my heart in my feet.

"Lily, I know that when I did this a few months ago you said no, and you were right back then, we had so much we needed to get through and to sort our lives out really.... but now I know that no matter what, we will get through anything and that I don't want to spend another day with you not being my future wife. The kids love you, I love you and this baby is the last piece in the puzzle, potentially with more puzzle pieces after this one, if you let me." He gets a laugh and I shake my head with a smile.

"Please will you do me the biggest honor, and actually say yes this time!" Everyone laughs around the room, but I can't take my eyes off of him. 

"Will you become my wife?" He asks me.

When I said no last time, I spent month's questioning why on earth I said no. We don't have to get married right now, but I do know I want to marry him. I couldn't picture my life without him, he's been the love of my life since I was 13. How can I say no to the rest of my life?



They're getting married! Yay, something nice to roll with. I didn't plan for this to happen now but I started writing it and it felt right, so why not!

I've figured that I've got about 3 more chapters left and then I'll write a little epilogue, just so you know at the end how this family deal with what's to come xx

This chapter is 1564 words.

Happy reading

Emma xx

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