Chapter 20 - Questions For You

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The two girls were back at Momo's room. Though Kyouka was supposed to leave now, they still had some time. The girl had a small idea. She waited outside on the balcony as she watched Momo put the skateboard under her bed.

Momo turned around to look at Kyouka, who was still standing there.

"We have a couple of minutes left to spend, so we can just hang out here if you want to." Kyouka suggested.

Momo nodded, agreeing to the idea. It sounded fun. She let the girl in as Kyouka headed to sit down on Momo's bed as the black-haired girl went and sat at her desk. She turned on her chair, facing Kyouka.

"Sure. What do you wanna do?" Momo asked. Kyouka seemed to be lost in her thoughts. Something popped up in her head however.

"How about 21 questions? There's a lot I'd like to know about you that I still don't know." Kyouka suggested. Momo however seemed confused.

"I've never heard of it." Momo spoke. "What are the rules?". Kyouka smiled.

"It's pretty simple. Basically, we both get to ask each other 21 questions. Stuff like 'what's your favourite colour', 'what's your favourite food', etc. Basically, a game so we get to know each other!" Kyouka chirped. "And all questions must be answered honestly! Otherwise, it's not fun.".

"That sounds like nice." Momo commented. "We can play that. Who starts?". Kyouka smiled cheekily.

"I can start!" The girl spoke, volunteering to go first. "When is your birthday?".

"23rd of November." Momo answered. Kyouka gasped.

"Wow! That's really soon!" Kyouka exclaimed. Momo nodded.

"Mhm. Though I'm not sure how I feel about it." Momo spoke. Kyouka seemed curious.

"Why not?" Kyouka asked, though Momo raised her finger.

"Nuh-uh! My turn to ask a question." Momo said, making Kyouka whine. "When is your birthday?". Kyouka pouted.

"Aw come on! That was my question!" Kyouka complained. Momo sighed.

"Just answer it you silly goose.". Momo looked over at Kyouka.

"1st of August. Hey, I just realised, I'm older than you!" Kyouka spoke, sticking out her tongue teasingly. Momo rolled her eyes playfully.

"Not by a lot." Momo said, glancing away. "Though the way you act really makes it look like I'm older.". Kyouka groaned.

"Who cares. I'm still older. Anyways, my turn." Kyouka said, moving on to the next question. "Why aren't you excited for your birthday?". Momo sighed.

"Well, it's my 18th birthday. So, my parents are probably going to put a lot more responsibility over my shoulders." Momo explained. "Besides, it's always like that. Most teenagers would be excited but I sure wish I never turned 18.".

"That's rough buddy." Kyouka joked, making Momo laugh. "No, but seriously. That actually sucks. I kinda wish I could flick a magic wand and your parents would become less strict.". Momo smiled.

"That's nice of you, but life doesn't work that way." Momo spoke in a tone of disappointment. "Anyways, next question! I saw some instruments back in your room, so, what instruments do you play?".

Kyouka scratched her head.

"A lot. I lost count really." Kyouka answered. "I've always had a lot of free time so I play anything I want to learn. Most of my main instruments are electric guitar, the drums and piano. Though I also sort of know stuff on the bass and I like to sing.". Momo's jaw dropped.

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