Chapter 15 - Car Ride

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Momo dragged her feet out of the school as she held her violin case and school bag firmly. Tired from the crazy school day, she lumped over to the car that was waiting in front of her school. The family maid was probably waiting for her and Momo had to get home.

As she got closer to the car, the car door opened and the driver stepped out of the car. The maid walked over to Momo as she smiled at the girl. Ms Joke extended her arms towards Momo as she grabbed the girl's bags and went to put them in the car trunk.

Momo gave a small thank you as she opened the car door and hopped in. Taking a seat in the back, she put on her seat belt. Momo sighed as she finally got to lay her head for a little.

Soon enough, Ms Joke got back to the front seat as she put her seatbelt back on. She started to drive home as she looked in the rear-view mirror, watching Momo.

"So? How was school today?" Ms Joke asked. Joke was like a second mom. A mother that actually cared about how Momo felt instead of how Momo was doing in terms of grades, classes and skills. Momo appreciated it.

Ms Joke had basically been taking care of Momo ever since Momo was a baby. Though usually Momo's parents would have been responsible for most of the housework when it came to raising the child, Ms Joke did most of the job. It was only natural that Momo saw Ms Joke as a true parent more than her actual parents.

"Eh, it was okay." Momo spoke in a tired tone as she leaned against the car door, looking out of the window. Ms Joke hummed as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.

"You're lying! Well, half lying. But still lying." Ms Joke spoke joyfully, chuckling at her own words. "What's bothering ya'?".

Momo hesitated to tell the maid. She wasn't sure if it was worth telling. Of course, Momo was tired from her day, but the case with Jirou passing out was truly bothering her, as well as it made her paranoid that she still couldn't attend the student council meetings.

"Well, for starters, I was restrained from attending student council meetings ever since last week. I'm scared of what my parents would say if they found out." Momo explained, her voice braking on the last few words. She glanced at the front of the car as she saw a reflection of Ms Joke's frown in the rear-view mirror.

"Damn, that sucks. I'll try my best to keep your secret." Ms Joke promised. Momo smiled.

"Thanks Joke." Momo thanked, looking a little happier than before. The blue-haired maid chuckled.

"No problem. Anyways, anything else that's bothering you?" The woman asked. Momo shrugged.

"Well... yeah, but... I don't know how to explain it." Momo said. Ms Joke raised an eyebrow.

"How so?" The driver asked. Momo looked outside the window as she observed the streets the car passed.

"There's this... girl." Momo started hesitantly, as she wasn't sure how to explain it. Ms Joke stayed silent as she gave Momo time to talk. "I'm not sure how I feel about her. She's like a friend, but at the same time, we don't know each other.".

Ms Joke seemed a little surprised.

"And this girl you speak of, what you think of her?" The maid asked. Momo sighed.

"Well, she's really pretty, but also quite troublesome. I don't think my parents would approve me hanging out with her—" Momo said, but she was cut off.

"No, no. Don't think about what your parents would think. Think about what you think." Ms Joke said. "Do you like hanging out with her. Momo looked a little surprised as she watched Ms Joke in the rear-view mirror.

"Well, yeah I do... It's always fun when I'm with her. When we hang out, things seem a lot less, dull and boring." Momo spoke. Ms Joke chuckled.

"So perhaps a crush?" Ms Joke tried, Momo got all flustered as her eyes widened.

"Her? Me? Crush? Oh, no, no, no! I like her, but not like that... I think...". Momo spoke as she looked downwards. "Besides, I don't think my parents...".

Ms Joke looked in the rear-view mirror as she saw the girl frown sadly, looking downwards. She gave the girl a small sad smile.

"If they can't support you for who you are, they aren't parents. They're just your biological source and nothing more." Ms Joke said. Momo sadly chuckled.

"Maybe you're right... but still, I'm not sure yet." Momo said. "I'm just, confused I think.". The blue-haired woman laughed a little.

"Well aren't we all?" Ms Joke spoke, making Momo laugh a little more, her sad frown turning into a genuine smile. "Momo, you have every right to feel confused at any time of your life. It's by discovering things that we learn how to grow and change. If you ever, by slight chance, turned out to be in love with this girl, don't turn yourself down because of your parents' beliefs okay?".

Momo nodded.


There was a small silence. The car suddenly stopped and Ms Joke turned around to look at Momo.

"We have arrived at your destination madam. Shall I take your bags?" Joke spoke in a ridiculously posh and unnecessary fancy accent. Momo chuckled.

"Of course, ma'am." Momo answered in the same tone. Both giggled as Ms Joke stepped out of the car and opened the back car door for Momo to exit. The black-haired girl waited outside as Ms Joke handed Momo her bags. Momo thanked the maid and carried her stuff inside the house.

As she entered the mansion, she was thankful to see that her parents weren't home yet. Their shoes and coats weren't near the coat hanger, so they must still be out. Momo hurried upstairs as she would normally have to do some homework.

The girl crossed the corridors and opened her room door. She sorted out her bags and violin case. As she finally sat down at her desk, she heard a sudden and weirdly familiar knock. 

It was coming from her balcony.

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