Chapter 1 - Back of The Campus

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Walking through the corridors of her school as normal, it was part of Momo Yaoyorozu's daily activity. Her footsteps mechanically placing themselves where she had placed them yesterday. The, what others would consider, 'perfect' life that she lived was none other than being like a robot.

The same routine, the same grades, the same attitude, but most importantly, the same expectations. Parents that had made her do anything she was never fond of. Wether it be taking classes to learn all piano, cello and violin or forcing study sessions upon her so the only grades that would show up on her reports were A's.

The Yaoyorozu was a well known family that knew how to behave. A family that was known for how organised they were, how beautiful they were, how perfect they were and how serious they were. Being part of it would be most likely represented as an honour, though every single day of her life, Momo felt like she had been carrying the unfortunate burden of it.

Usually, at this very moment, she was supposed to attend a student council meeting, as she was Vice President of her school. However, she really wasn't feeling too good. Momo felt especially uneasy today, her head feeling heavy anywhere she walked. Perhaps the stress of all her years of her life were finally weighing down on her on one single day.

Iida Tenya, the school president, had given her mercy and let her skip this specific meeting do to her not exactly being able to see things clearly. After all, if Momo felt sick, she had every right to pause he daily activities so she could get better.

Taking this small opportunity, the girl headed towards the back of the school. She wanted to get some fresh air and the busy foregrounds of the campus wouldn't really calm her headache too well.

Momo went outside of the building and took the path leading to the back of the school, that she had, from her memory, never taken before. The girl never really went to places where she wasn't supposed to be. She knew very well the back of the school was forbidden to go to because a couple of kids would take the opportunity to smoke or do whatever banished activities behind it. Though Momo knew about this, she really needed a time alone, where no one was yelling outside at the front of the campus.

Hesitantly walking and getting closer to the one brick wall that formed as a 'L' shape, Momo turned around the corner, sighing loudly. The girl had blinked and opened her eyes only to see that she wasn't alone.

Another girl stood there, leaning on the red brick wall with a cigarette in between her fingers. She blew smoke out of her mouth before putting the end of the cigarette back into her mouth. The girl was petite and short, though she looked like she could kill with a simple glare. She had short dark purple hair with bangs, though she had two fringes of hair that came forward on the side of the bangs.

The purple-haired girl eyes seemed to be purple as well. Right under her eyes, she had a tattoo of a red triangle. The girl seemed to be having a really 'rock and roll' type of fashion style. You could tell she kind of embraced the 'bad girl' look. She wore a long torn pinkish-red shirt that had the words 'deep dope' written on it. Over it, she wore a cropped black leather vest with a simple black chocker on her neck. The girl had black baggy jeans with white fingerless short gloves, which made her look somewhat like the regular 'I don't give a fuck' kid.

Momo stopped on her steps, almost backing away in the corner. She was the Vice President of her school, so she had to do something about a student smoking behind campus, right? Though her awkwardness and social interaction issues didn't help at the moment. This was something Iida should be taking care of. She had never told a student off, since well, Iida was always by her side. So, in this situation, she wasn't sure what to do and stared from the distance, hesitating to come forward.

The girl with purple hair however, seemed to have noticed the other. Momo gulped as her eyes locked with the girl's, especially when the other started to shift her expression. The girl smoking quickly threw away her cigarette, dropping it to the ground as she crushed it with her foot, squeezing it into the dirt.

Though this wasn't too good for the environment, Momo sighed that the other student corrected their actions quickly, so that she didn't have to come up and tell her off. Though the black-haired Vice President had it all wrong.

A smirk appeared on the smaller girl's face as she observed Momo's relieved expression. She, to Momo's surprise, pulled out another cigarette, taking out her lighter and lighting it up, unbothered that a member of the student council was watching her every move. Almost like she was, you could say, teasing or mocking Momo.

Momo gulped in her corner. This was horrible. As much as she wanted to come up to the girl smoking and tell her off, she didn't have the courage. Having the other student stare at her with mocking eyes and a teasing smirk didn't help at all. Momo just stood on the edge of the corner, staring from afar. It seemed that every time Momo looked right at her, every time Momo breathed out a heavy puff of smoke and put the cigarette back on the tip of her mouth.

It went on for a couple of minutes until the girl with purple hair grabbed her bag which was sitting on the ground next to her and walked towards Momo. The black-haired girl was shocked and almost panicked when the shorter student headed towards her, though she was frozen in her spot.

The purple-haired girl stopped right in front of Momo, cigarette in her mouth as she looked at the taller girl from above.

"Vice President, yet you can't tell me off?" The girl asked, suddenly going up on the tip of her toes as she removed the cigarette with her fingers. She leaned in to Momo's face, puffing out smoke right then and there. Momo coughed and leaned back a little, stumbling on her steps. The smaller girl got off the top of her toes as she put the cigarette back in her mouth. "Sad, kinda was looking forward to it. But oh well.".

With that, the girl walked past Momo, nudging her a little on the way. Momo was so confused. She felt horrible about herself, not being able to have interrupted, though she didn't understand why the student had said she was 'looking forward' to being told off.

Now that Momo thought of it, she had never seen that student before. It was nothing related to her being in another grade or section, of course. As short as the petite girl was, it was obvious that they had the same age, more or less. Momo sighed, dropping to the floor as she sat down for a while and leaned her head against a nearby tree that was close to the back of the building. She looked upwards, wondering about this strange encounter.

'I really should have said something...' Momo thought as her eyes slowly closed and she drifted to sleep due to her being tired.

Little Miss Trouble - Momojirou High School AuWhere stories live. Discover now