Chapter 26 - Freedom

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It had been a couple of months since the drama happened at the Yaoyorozu mansion, and Momo couldn't be happier. She could now breathe, she was free and she could live.

She had moved in with Kyouka, who gladly accepted her as a roommate. Kyouka's parents didn't really care much as they barely payed attention to Kyouka in general. Momo had been also accepted back in the student council, as he mental health had gotten better and Iida was happy the small break helped.

The two were helping each other out, keeping each other company and after all the weeks they had crossed, Momo and Kyouka were finally graduating the school with their friends.

The whole year 3 students were lined up on stage, called to collect their graduation diploma. Many parents and family members were in the audience, clapping and cheering as each students got their diploma and left the stage.

Kyouka, to many people's surprise, had graduated, as well as Denki and Mina who had come back and finally taken their education seriously.

Kyouka was standing in front of Momo in the line. Her name was about to get called as she walked closer and closer up the line.

"Kyouka Jirou!" A teacher announced, holding the graduation diploma. The audience clapped and clapped as Jirou walked up to the diploma, gave a small peace sign to the audience and collected her diploma. The teacher smiled and congratulated Kyouka as the purple-haired young adult bowed. She walked off stage, joining the other students in the front seats that had already collected their diplomas.

"Momo Yaoyorozu!" The teacher called. Momo walked up elegantly, waving at the audience with a smile as she took the diploma and bowed. The audience clapped.

Momo went off stage to join Kyouka in the front rows. The ceremony kept on going as all students got their diplomas.

"So, things turned out better, right?" Kyouka spoke, nudging Momo on the shoulder as the black-haired girl chucked.

"Guess it does." Momo spoke with a shrug. She looked at her diploma and frowned, not knowing what life would give her now. "What do think we could do? You know, in the future?". Kyouka shrugged.

"I was thinking of working at that skateboard store with Mirko. But, y'know, I wanna do something more exciting." Kyouka explained. Momo nodded. "What about you?".

Momo paused.

"I'm... not too sure yet." Momo said. Kyouka chuckled.

"You'll figure it out." The purple-haired girl spoke, reassuring Momo as she patted the girl on the shoulder. Momo sighed and nodded.

"I'm sure I'll find something." The girl said, smiling.

By now, all graduates were sitting in the front rows. Everyone had received their diplomas and the teacher was attempting to speak to the loud audience.

"Ahem... may I get everyone's attention please?" The teacher asked. All heads gradually turned to the front and everyone went quiet. The teacher smiled awkwardly. "We've had some, amazing and interesting graduates this year. As well as trouble students that, surprisingly made it!".

The crowd chuckled. Momo smirked as she nudged Kyouka on the shoulder. The purple-haired girl playfully rolled her eyes and pouted as she glanced away.

"This year, we'll be selecting a graduate to have the title of student of the year. As we do at every graduation, we select one of our top students that has helped the school benefit and grow. A student that has shown qualities of kindness and creativity." The teacher explained, holding up an envelope as he shook it a little.

The crowd began muttering, making hypothesis or theories of who it could be. Some parents were discussing about how they hoped it was their kid.

"And our student of the year," The teacher paused and opened the envelope, pulling out the paper inside it. They read the name. "Is Momo Yaoyorozu!".

Momo was shocked. The crowd clapped as Kyouka nudged her off her seat because she was too shook from the news. Momo quickly regained her conscious as she walked on stage and hurried over. The teacher gave one last diploma to the girl, which was a certificate for the award.

Momo took it, bowing and thanking the teacher. The teacher smiled, waiting for the crowd to quiet down.

"Yaoyorozu, the floor is your's. If you don't mind, any small speech would be enjoyable.". The teacher stopped talking as they handed over the microphone to Momo. Her hands were shaking a little as she grabbed it, bringing it up closer to her mouth.

The crowd was silent and stared right at Yaoyorozu. The black-haired girl wasn't sure what to say.

"Well... um," Momo started, trying to think of something. She panicked. The black-haired young adult quickly glanced over at Kyouka in hopes of finding help. And she received it.

Kyouka gave her a soft smile, giving her a thumbs up. It was all Momo needed to boost her confidence. Momo coughed, getting ready to talk.

"Well, this year has been a crazy year." Momo started on a light tone. "There's a lot I had to take care of and deal with, but, it has all been worth it in the end.". The crowd chuckled a little. Momo smiled.

"Between my home life and my school life, I've had to make sacrifices and decisions. Important decisions." Momo continued. She glanced back at Kyouka. "And some have been difficult. Even for a 17-18 year old to deal with.".

Momo looked at the audience.

"I want any younger students or kids, or anyone to know... Life starts when you leave your comfort zone and explore the possibilities." Momo said. "Always rely on the people you love, because they'll be there to support you when you need it the most. I know for sure that, I wouldn't be here without... one of my greatest friends.".

Momo painfully smiled. She had something in mind. She wasn't sure if it was the best idea but, she wanted to attempt it.

"This friend of mine is amazing. And they really deserve more credit." Momo spoke, chuckling a little after. The audience chuckled as well. A lot of faces were smiling. "This friend has helped me overcome situations I wish I had never gotten myself into and this friend has helped me with my decisions and has been part of the sacrifices I made.". Momo paused.

She gulped.

"And this friend, I'm hoping they were more than a friend to me.". Momo smiled awkwardly, looking over at Kyouka. The purple-haired girl's eyes went wide. The audiences laughed, but it wasn't mocking. More like an 'awe' kind of laugh and a supporting warm laugh. "This isn't very appropriate, especially during my speech, but... Kyouka, thank you. Thank you so, so much.". Momo squinted her eyes and clenched her fist, hoping she wouldn't make a fool of herself.

"Will you be my girlfriend?".

There was a silence. Momo opened her eyes, waiting for a response. She looked over at Kyouka. The purple-haired girl stood her chair.

"You goofball!" Kyouka yelled with a smile. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend!". Kyouka jumped off her chair and climbed onto the stage as the audience laughed and chuckled, clapping. Kyouka ran up to Momo and jumped at her, bringing the girl into a hug. Kyouka went in and kissed Momo.

Momo lost her balance and fell on the ground, making both girls laugh as the hugged each other. The audience cheered and clapped.

Though life can be a mess, though everything went so fast, Momo and Kyouka managed to get through it all. Everything turned out alright in the end.

After the graduation ceremony, a lot of people came up and congratulated the two. It was almost like a wedding, but a lot less serious. Possibly one of the happiest days they even had.

As Momo and Kyouka walked out of the school, holding their diplomas, Kyouka looked up at Momo.

"Hey, about earlier, about what we could do in the future?" Kyouka brought up. Momo hummed and nodded.

"Yeah, what about it?" Momo asked. Kyouka shrugged.

"Pretty random but," Kyouka paused. "How about we open up a cafe?".

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