Chapter 7 - Broken Advantage

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Kyouka groaned as she rubbed her eyes, trying to open them from the sudden shock. From what she remembered, she had met up with her friends again, regaining her calm from the small outburst she had. The girl had gotten her favourite skateboard to hang out with her friends.

She loved skateboarding, especially with her friends. Kyouka completely forgot what was going on for the moment as she thought about her skateboard. The top part was typically black, the the wheels were different shades of purple, marinating from royal dark purple to light lilac purple. As for the design on the back, it was a bunch of music instruments. Drums, electric guitars, basses and keyboards were all painted on the back, making the skateboard fit the personality of the girl.

Kyouka soon realised she was getting lost in her thoughts. She opened her eyes slowly, to see she was on top of whoever she skateboarded into. Now that she thought about it, where did her board even go?

The purple-haired girl quickly noticed who it was. It was the Vice President from her school. And as it seemed, the Vice President had seemed to notice Kyouka as well. It sort of made Kyouka happy to know that somehow in this world could recognise her after an incident, almost like she had marked an event in history.

Kyouka quickly got off of the black-haired student, brushing her clothing as if she was taking off dust. She put her hands in her pockets casually as she watched the other girl struggle to stand up due to her holding all her bags.

"Ouch..." Momo Yaoyorozu muttered as she struggled to stand on her feet, though slowly but surely made her way to do it. Kyouka crossed her arms, acting unbothered.

"You should really watch where you walk." Kyouka commented, looking at her nails as she leaned on her left foot and put her other hand on her hip. Yaoyorozu's face seemed to show confusion.

"Well um, ma'am, I'm sorry." Yaoyorozu added. Kyouka growled. Why was this girl being so nice to her? Clearly Kyouka was 100% in the wrong, yet the black-haired girl had the nerve to go along with the situation.

The mood changed suddenly however when Kyouka noticed her skateboard was no where to be found. The purple-wheeled board seemed to have rolled of somewhere, gone. Kyouka panicked a little as she looked around the streets. It was her favourite skateboard. She had plenty of other skateboards, sure, but nothing compared to this one.

Yaoyorozu seemed confused to see the girl look around the streets. It made her even more concerned when Kyouka started to genuinely panic.

"Are you okay?" Yaoyorozu asked. Kyouka was shocked when Yaoyorozu asked that question. Not that she had time to sob over her lack of love and attention in her childhood at the moment, but she was surprised. The purple-haired girl brushed it off, she had to keep up her act. After all, it was the only way people cared or showed any type of attention. Kyouka gave her a nasty look, pretty much glaring into her soul.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be—?!" Kyouka yells before the loud noise of a car dashing by covered up her voice. Along with the car's noise, a loud 'crack' noise was heard. Kyouka flinched as her head instantly turned around to look at the road. The car was now gone, but what seemed to have cracked didn't.

It was her skateboard. It was left in the middle of the road, only to wheels seemed to have survived. One of them was crushed and the other one was on the other side of the road, as it had rolled away from the actual board. As for the board, in was cracked in half, completely broken. There was no possible way of salvaging it, even if you tried.

Kyouka stood silent, eyes wide as she stared at the skateboard. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it was her favourite skateboard. It broken her heart to see it like this. Kyouka didn't care about many things, but this was part of the things she cared for.

Yaoyorozu seemed to have noticed as well. She gasped at the sight of the broken board. The girl with the black hair stood silent, covering her mouth.

"Are you serious? You fucking broke it!" Kyouka suddenly yelled at Yaoyorozu with full rage. The school Vice President's eyes widened as she heard those words fall out of Kyouka's mouth.

"I'm sorry, what?" The girl muttered, surprised that Kyouka even made that assumption. To be honest, the purple-haired girl didn't know what she said herself. It wasn't like she was braindead, just her instincts made her yell out the sentence for whatever the universe wanted from her.

"Well- You were in the way!" Kyouka protested. "If you had moved, I wouldn't have bumped into you and my skateboard would be in one piece!". Yaoyorozu's eyes widened, almost like she was about to snap. Her expression shifted, trying to protest against what Kyouka has snapped back.

But it soon regained its calm posture. The girl calmed down, inhaling and exhaling calmly. Kyouka didn't exactly know why she was so chill about the situation. Usually, people (apart from her parents apparently) would reacted. But she just stayed calm.

Perhaps it was because Yaoyorozu was completely opposite to Kyouka, and used to be told around and having people telling her what to do 24/7, this conversation wasn't shocking her too much.

"Right. Fine. I'm sorry for breaking your skateboard." Yaoyorozu spoke, giving in, but you could hear a slight pinch of attitude and sass in her voice. Kyouka blinked twice cluelessly as she looked up at Yaoyorozu.

"A-are you serious right now?" Kyouka asked shocked. The black-haired girl sighed.

"What? I broke it. I'm sorry." Yaoyorozu said. Kyouka scoffed, though it seemed more like a skeptical scoff than an amused one.

"Alright then, maybe you might wanna pay up for the damage." Kyouka spoke aggressively. She didn't exactly know why she was playing along with what Yaoyorozu was playing along. Kyouka was mad and had pointed fingers at the Vice President of her school, not actually meaning her words. Though it surprised her to see that Yaoyorozu gave in and played along. So now, Kyouka was just playing along with the act she had started.

"Just tell me how much and I'll get the money to you tomorrow—" Yaoyorozu said lazily, but she was cut off.

"No." Kyouka answered.


"I said no.".

"Didn't you want me to pay for the damage?" Yaoyorozu asked with confusion. Kyouka sighed.

"Yeah, but you're not just giving me a stack of cash. You're gonna pick it out with me." Kyouka explained. She reached into the pocket of her jeans as she pulled out her phone. At this point, she didn't know what the hell she was doing. Her instincts were acting up on her and she felt the sudden urge to get the taller girl's number.

"What? I'm sorry, I don't have time for that!" Yaoyorozu complained. Kyouka didn't look up from her phone.

"Give me your number. I'm organising this." Kyouka spoke directly. The black-haired girl groaned.

"I can't!" Yaoyorozu insisted. Kyouka looked up from her phone, giving the girl a death glare. She extended her phone for the taller girl to type in the phone number.

"Number. Now." Kyouka ordered. Yaoyorozu sighed in defeated. She grabbed the phone, typed in the number and handed it back to Kyouka. The purple-haired girl stuffed her phone back in the pocket of her jeans as she glanced one last time at the broken skateboard on the road, the at Yaoyorozu.

"This Friday, 8pm, the mall. Be on time." Kyouka said, suddenly walking away from the conversation, leaving Yaoyorozu completely confused.

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