Chapter 23 - Because I Like Girls

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Momo kept thinking about what Todoroki had told her. It left her confused and she didn't understand anything.

The girl was currently at her desk. It had been a couple hours since she came back from school and her parents were to come home soon for dinner. The girl was practicing violin as she waited for her daily routine to finally finish.

Though she was playing everything flawlessly, her music lacked emotion. Every note she played was dull and didn't reflect any passion for the instrument. Perhaps it was the sentence that was bothering her from earlier today?

Momo stopped playing and took a deep breathe, looking at the music sheet. She side, putting the violin and bow away, closing up the violin case. Something was off, something didn't feel right. As Momo tidied her violin case, she went over to her desk and started revising and studying, doing some school work she had to look over.

Though as she sat down, her bedroom door opened.

Momo turned around to see who it was, and to her surprise, it was her mother. Though something, once again, seemed off. Her mother seemed more empathic than usual. She was frowning, showing sadness and emotion as she entered the room, closing the door behind her.

"Momo, I'd like to speak to you. It's important." Her mother said, and her voice sounded sickeningly sweet for once. No strict tone, no anger and no frustration. Just kindness and apathy.

Momo put down her pen. Maybe her mother was going to apologise? It was a little weird and sudden for this to happen. It worried Momo, but at the same time, reassured her for some reason. Though she didn't quite understand what was going on.

"Of course, mother." Momo spoke as she gave her full attention. Mrs Yaoyorozu nodded. She walked over and sat on her daughters bed as she patted the place beside her.

"Please come over here. I think this discussion needs to be done mother to daughter." Momo's mother spoke. Momo gulped as she went and sat next to her mother. She looked up at the taller woman, curious of what was so important that got her mother to act like a normal mom.

"What is it?" Momo asked. Momo's mother seemed to be having a hard time to speak. She cleared her throat,

"You see, your father and I have worked so incredibly hard to build this company." Mrs Yaoyorozu started. "We've made sacrifices and we've made decisions that have helped us grow and give you the greatest life we could.".

Momo started to worry a little. She wasn't sure why, but something about the change of emotions made everything so unsettling.

"And so, we've made a decision, which include you. It is a huge responsibility and you must be ready for this. It is best if we tell you and you understand." Momo's mother spoke. Her voice trembled. "You see we... we've made an agreement with one of our business partners.".

Mrs Yaoyorozu paused. She hugged her daughter as tears streamed down her face. Momo seemed so confused and worried.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Momo asked, panicked about what was going on. Mrs Yaoyorozu wiped her tears away.

"We've... we've decided to merge our company with the Todoroki Corporation. T-this means you'll be marrying Enji Todoroki's son, Shouto Todoroki, after your graduation.".

Momo froze. The voice of her mother speaking became muffled. Marriage? And she had no say in this? The girl knew her parents always pushed boundaries when it came to her behaviour and image, but she never expected them to sacrifice her happiness for the success of a company that was already doing good. What were they after? Money? Popularity? Momo couldn't understand.

"We want you to understand," Momo's mother kept on going. "This decision is for your own good and benefit. We know it's difficult to process. Enji's son has had trouble accepting it as well, but...".

Momo eyes slowly became watery as tears started flowing down her cheeks. She cried silently. Not even a year to breathe after she finishes school and her life is already sold away into a legal process that she didn't even ask for in the first place.


The teenager was a teenager. She wasn't ready. She didn't want to do this. Momo didn't even want to be the heir of the Yaoyorozu business. Momo didn't even like violin or cello or piano or anything her parents made her do. Momo wanted to say no. She was not okay with it.

Momo was human, she had the right to make her own decisions. If Momo felt uncomfortable or did not approve of this, she had the right to say no. It was only natural. This was her parents' dreams, not her own.

And she didn't even love Shouto. Sure, he was a good friend, a really good friend of her's, but far from a husband. Did she even want a husband? At this point, the only person that had made her heart bloom was a girl, and she was all she needed.

Kyouka. Rebellious and brave, everything she lacked. True opposites they were. Momo wanted to be with her, not her childhood friend that happened to be the son of her parents' business partners. Momo wanted Kyouka.

She was kind, she was caring, she helped Momo live her life the way she wanted to live it. Not as a tool to be used by her parents. Kyouka awakened her. She had brought her out of her comfort zone.

It's only when Momo left her comfort zone and strict daily routine that life began, that she began to breathe and she began to experience joy, happiness and emotions, no longer being and emotionless robot that obeyed to every single order it was given.

"No." Momo muttered. Momo's mother seemed confused. She wiped her daughters tears.

"I-I'm sorry dear... what?" Mrs Yaoyorozu asked. Momo seemed angry. Momo was frustrated. Momo didn't want this.

"I said no. I don't want to marry him." Momo spoke, frustration in her voice. She was speaking up to her mother and talking back, shocking her mother even more. Momo pulled away from the hug.

"Dear, I know you're angry, I know you're mad, but... this is needed!" Momo's mother tried to convince her, attempting to pull Momo into another hug, but Momo just back off even more, standing up from the bed.

"I said no! I'm not okay with this!" Momo yelled, tears dropping to the ground as her fists clenched. Mrs Yaoyorozu tried to interrupt, but Momo neglected all her attempts. "I'm sick of it! I'm sick of being some dog you guys order around! I've done everything I can to be presentable, everything I can to be responsible, everything I can to make you guys happy, but it took away my own happiness!".

Mrs Yaoyorozu cried as she shook her head.

"Momo, dear, I know it's difficult at first, but I promise you! I promise things will get better! I know it's difficult, but, you two might end up liking each other—".

"No we won't!" Momo yelled. "We won't because I see him as a brother and he sees my as a sister! You don't understand! This isn't for my own good, its for you and father's benefit.".

"Momo, please open your eyes. Things will be alright if you just try and fight through." Mrs Yaoyorozu tried. "You'll eventually be happy if you make the right sacrifices!".

"Well I don't want a husband!" Momo screamed at the top of her lungs, shocking Mrs Yaoyorozu. "I couldn't give two shits if you gave me the most handsome or successful man in the world!".

Mrs Yaoyorozu's went wide. She seemed a little bit angrier than her calmer expression before.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, you are going to marry this boy!" Mrs Yaoyorozu yelled. Momo shook her head.

"I will not!".

"And why not?!".

"Because I fucking like girls! Get that through your thick skull!" Momo screamed through her tears. "I like girls! I'm fucking into girls!".

Little Miss Trouble - Momojirou High School AuWhere stories live. Discover now