Chapter 9 - Sneaking Out

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Kyouka was quite excited. She didn't expect to be looking forward to going out this much, but you could say it was a weird new feeling she really wanted to experience. In just an hour, her and the school Vice President of the school would be going out to buy a new skateboard.

Kyouka already had a small bag with her with an envelope with cash in it, as well as a small jacket and some pepper spray. Wandering around the streets was pretty dangerous, and even her rebellious teenager side could say that. Just because she knew the streets inside out didn't mean she had to brush it off and not be safe.

The girl had her phone out as she went to text Momo Yaoyorozu. Something gave her the bitter feeling that Yaoyorozu wouldn't show up. Perhaps it was her insecurities acting up on her.

As she opened her contacts she realised Yaoyorozu had already texted her a while ago. Kyouka opened up the message to see what was written.


Yaoyorozu: Hey! I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to make it. My parents won't let me, so I hope you can understand. I don't mind giving you money so you can buy a new one though...


Kyouka stared at the message, frowning. She sighed as she typed in an answer.


Kyouka: I said I didn't just want a stack of money. Can't you sneak out or something?

Yaoyorozu: I can't, that's it. I'm sorry.


Kyouka scratched her head as she groaned. The purple-haired pouted as she really wanted to go out. She didn't know why, but it made her mad that Yaoyorozu was buys.

Suddenly, Kyouka thought of something.


Kyouka: Where do you live?

Yaoyorozu: What?

Kyouka: Like your address?

Yaoyorozu: Why do you need it?

Kyouka: Just give it.

Yaoyorozu: If I must. I live at —————. What are you gonna do?

Kyouka: If you can't come over, I'll come get you. Simple as that.


Kyouka could hear her phone buzz as she turned it off and slipped it into her pocket. It was probably thousands of notifications of the messages Yaoyorozu was most definitely sending. The purple-haired girl just brushed it off as the remembered the address that the other girl had sent.

To Kyouka's surprise, they lived on the same street. Practically neighbours. You could call it a coincidence, though since their parents were loaded with riches and money, it wasn't too much of a shock.

Kyouka was already at the entrance of the house when she had texted Yaoyorozu, so all she had to do was walk down the street and find the entrance the mansion's backyard if she didn't want to get caught. Kyouka soon found herself in front of the Yaoyorozu's mansion, though it would be a little more difficult than she had anticipated.

Two body guards were standing by the gates of the castle-like home. Though Kyouka had already trespassed numerous gates like these, she seemed a little more tense than usual. The girl quickly realised that she could try sneak around the building, as the gate went as far as to the house. From there, she could try spot Yaoyorozu's room window to climb up and enter.

Kyouka sneakily made her way to the back of the huge building as she looked up to find a window that seemed to look like the room of a teenager.

It wasn't really a window, more like a balcony with large glass doors and neat white curtains. You could tell it was Yaoyorozu's room because you could see the black-haired girl's figure inside the room, as well as you could hear the muffled violin sound that she was probably playing.

Kyouka smiled as she looked at the sandstone like bricks and though about how she could possibly get through. The purple-haired teenager had already climbed over plenty of alleyway walls before, so it couldn't be too much different. Besides, to her luck, Yaoyorozu's room was on the first floor, not the third floor.

Kyouka rubbed her hands as she smirked watching the wall. She loved to climb, it was a lot of fun running away from gang members with her friends when they got a little upset about practically nothing.

The girl grabbed on to the brick, carefully placing her foot as she motioned herself up and up, almost reaching the balcony. Her hand grabbed on to the surface of the balcony as she pulled herself up. Hanging onto the railing, she climbed over it, finally standing on the balcony.

Though it wasn't completely night, it was still dark outside. Kyouka wasn't sure if Yaoyorozu would seriously do this, but it was worth a shot. After all, she had to experience the fun of sneaking out.

Kyouka smugly walked over to the glass door as she peaked through. Though the white curtains were covering most of her view, she could merely see the teenage figure she had seen from the ground floor. Momo Yaoyorozu was there, gracefully playing her violin.

It was beautiful. Every single note was perfection, almost as if there were no flaws in her movement. The way that Yaoyorozu closed her eyes as she listened to her own music was so astonishingly magnificent. It was different from the music Kyouka was into, but it definitely wasn't any less of a beauty.

Before Kyouka noticed, the violinist had stop playing. The purple-haired girl peaked to see what was going on when the white curtain behind the glass door and window opened suddenly.

Yaoyorozu and Kyouka's eyes met. They stared at each other for a good 10 seconds, both stunned by each other's stare. Kyouka quickly smiled as she knocked on the door.

Yaoyorozu looked panicked. She shook her head, holding the curtain with one hand while the other was holding the violin and bow of her violin. Yaoyorozu said something through the glass, though it was muffled, and Kyouka definitely didn't hear it.

"What?" Kyouka asked loudly. Yaoyorozu sighed, and though Kyouka didn't hear it, the black-haired girl's body language showed it.

Yaoyorozu attempted to speak again, this time louder. Kyouka heard it a little better, but she wasn't able to distinguish it.

"Yeah, I can totally hear you." Kyouka said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Yaoyorozu gave up opened up the balcony door, finally being able to talk to Kyouka.

"What are you doing here? I told you I couldn't come!" Yaoyorozu insisted. "Besides, it's way too late. My parents would never allow me to go out at a time like this!".

Kyouka walked into Yaoyorozu's room as she got up into her face. Glancing around as if she were looking out to see if people were watching them, she faced Yaoyorozu again. Kyouka got on the tip of her toes to reach Yaoyorozu's height as she got her hand close to the black-haired girl's ear. Kyouka leaned in and whispered in Yaoyorozu's ear.

"Who said we needed their permission? We're sneaking out.".

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