Chapter 16 - Knock Knock, We're Going Out

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Kyouka sighed as she sat on the fancy balcony of Yaoyorozu's room. She was waiting for the black-haired girl to come home so she could take her out for another crazy adventure. Despite her attempts to get closer to her during school hours, she always hung out with the same little club that consisted of mostly the well behaved kids. 

It was difficult for Kyouka to interact, hoping they would accept her. She had caused the student council and the school itself a lot of trouble before due to her behaviour and crazy way of living.

Kyouka groaned as she stood up and tried to peak through the glass, though the white curtains were covering the full view. She could know if Yaoyorozu was inside the room or not. That however changed when a vague movement was seen through the glass and curtain. From Kyouka's knowledge, objects didn't usually move on their own, so someone must be inside the room.

The purple-haired teenager took the risk. She brought her fist up to the glass as she hesitantly knocked on the door once. As she looked through the glass, the figure stopped moving and seemed to have their body facing the glass. Kyouka confidently knocked again, but as she did, the white curtains flung open.

Kyouka smiled as she saw that it was Yaoyorozu, as she had guessed. Though Yaoyorozu didn't really share the enthusiasm. She seemed a little confused and surprised, though not as surprised as last Friday.

Yaoyorozu guided her hand to the door knob as she opened it up, tilting her head at Kyouka who stood outside.

"What are you doing here? From what I recall, we don't have any plans today." Yaoyorozu started, her tone reflecting curiosity. Kyouka gulped.

"I know, but... I wanted to see if I could thank you for today? You know, cafeteria incident..." Kyouka explained. Yaoyorozu nodded.

"It was nothing, if you need help, I'm here." Yaoyorozu spoke. "But that doesn't really explain why you're here.". Kyouka rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"Well, you see, I'm sneaking you out again. This time somewhere different though." Kyouka spoke. Yaoyorozu seemed skeptical about the idea.

"Sorry, but today I can't. You know how it is." Yaoyorozu said with a sad and disappointed voice. "If I'm not here when my parents call me for dinner, I could get caught.". Kyouka put her hand on her chin as she took a moment to think, staring into nowhere.

An Idea came to her head. She got out her phone from her pocket and unlocked it. She then looked up from her phone and stared out Yaoyorozu.

"What time does your family usually have dinner at?" Kyouka asked. Yaoyorozu blinked, confused. Kyouka sighed. "Don't question it, just answer.".

"Well, we always eat at 7:30pm sharp." Yaoyorozu answered hesitantly. Kyouka smiled brightly. She brought her phone screen up at Yaoyorozu's face.

"Mhm! And it's currently 5-ish pm! This gives us 2 whole hours to hangout." Kyouka exclaimed. Yaoyorozu wasn't convinced.

"I'm not sure, it's pretty risky..." The black-haired girl muttered. Kyouka stuffed her phone in her pocket as she looked back up at Yaoyorozu.

"Well, the more time you spend thinking about it, the less time we'll have. Besides, there's no harm if I get you back on time, right?" Kyouka said. Yaoyorozu seemed a little less stressed out.

"I guess you're right!" Yaoyorozu spoke, a little more enthusiastic than before. Kyouka smiled.

"Great!" The purple-haired girl chirped. "Well, grab your skateboard then, cause we're heading somewhere special. You might wanna change out of your uniform and wear something a bit more casual.".

Yaoyorozu nodded as she closed the glass doors and the white curtains. She headed towards her closet. She opened it as she looked inside, though there weren't really any clothes that Yaoyorozu though could be considered 'casual'. Yaoyorozu decided to go with a cute black dress which looked like the most casual thing out of her closet. She then quickly grabbed a small pair of lace-up boots. Changing out of her uniform and into her outfit, she looked into her closet again for a small jacket, as it was a little bit cold today. Yaoyorozu wore a small black leather designer jacket.

The black-haired girl undid her ponytail as her long hair swung to the side. It was relatively straight, though it had it's own wavy side due to being in the ponytail for so long.

The girl then quickly went towards her bed. She looked under he bed as she reached out to her ocean-themed skateboard, rolling it out. Yaoyorozu grabbed it as she held it firmly. Heading towards the glass door, she pushed her curtains and the door open as she walked onto the balcony, closing her door again.

"Alright, I'm ready." Yaoyorozu spoke. Kyouka turned her attention back to Yaoyorozu. She seemed a little surprised to see Yaoyorozu in anything other than her UA uniform, especially with her hair down. The dress definitely suited her and so did the boots. And her hair was just breathtaking.

Kyouka smiled. She hopped over the railing as she hung onto it, slowly heading down the wall as she jumped off and landed onto the floor. Kyouka extended her arms towards the sky.

"Drop the board, I'll catch it!" Kyouka exclaimed. Yaoyorozu nodded as she hung to board over the railing and let it go. The skateboard swiftly fell into Kyouka's hands. Kyouka held it and put it on the side, next to her skateboard that she had left outside while visiting.

Yaoyorozu grabbed onto the railing as she climbed over it. Getting to the wall, she climbed down. She jumped from a reasonable height and landed on the ground. Brushing off her clothes, she turned around and smiled at Kyouka. The purple-haired girl smiled back.

Both girls grabbed their skateboards as the snuck from the back of the building to the closest sidewalk. Kyouka hopped on hers as she slowly skateboarded, looking at Yaoyorozu.

"You think you'll be able to use it?" Kyouka asked. Yaoyorozu shrugged.

"I've practiced a little last Friday. I think I'll get the hang of it. If the sidewalks aren't too busy, it should be fine." Yaoyorozu answered, getting on the board hesitantly. She extended both arms on each side, trying to balance her body on the skateboard. "This place that we're going to, is it far?". Kyouka shook her head.

"No, just a couple streets away. A 10 minute walk, but on skateboards, it should be faster." Kyouka explained. Yaoyorozu nodded.

"Right, let's go then.".

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