Chapter ⅩⅠV: Family

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Tigger warning, panic attack


Achillean sighed they had a few hours and then they would be at Nestoria.

Part of him was worried about how the clan would react.

to them Amaya was just another dangerous Voltaris, they didn't know how much she had fought for survival. He slowed the horse to a slow trot, the sounds of a human town reached his ears, they could stop to rest there.

He slid off the horse guiding the animal to a stable. He then helped both Amaya and Ember off. "I figured it would be nice to stop here,-" he paused, seeing the slight panic in Amaya's blind eyes. "Wh-what's wrong?"

The Voltaris responded, her voice trembling, "certain...certain parts of the Nether sounded like this- whenever-" her breathing quickened. "whenever I would- be tortured, it was always in that are-area," her hands were shaking at this point.

Achillean went to give Amaya a small hug, but the moment he even touched her, she flinched back.


The blood pounded in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingled. Her vision disfigured as if she were looking through a fisheye lens. Amaya had to get away. She couldn't stay near this place any longer. There was too much of a risk of capture here.

Amaya clutched the horse's reins, her hands wrapped so tightly around it that her nails dug into her palms. Breathing was hard. Really hard. As if she had just run all the way around Ardonia.

Her legs buckled beneath her as painful memories returned. She dug her nails into her scalp. She begged the stars to make it stop.

But they did not respond to her cry.

"Amaya!" A voice called. Slightly breaking her out of her panic. "It's alright, your safe," the voice was calm and reassuring.

She wanted to believe she was safe.

But she couldn't.

She glanced up to see a figure standing over her. The Voltaris' heart dropped in her chest

It was Tygren.

She had been found.

The Voltaris backed away, she felt like she couldn't breathe, Amaya opened her mouth to cry out but no sound escaped her.

"Amaya it's me, you're having a panic attack, just breathe for me,"

the Voltaris froze, her vision growing slightly clearer. She felt someone wrap their arms around her in a hug.

She swallowed, feeling like her throat was closing up. "Shhhh, it's alright" Achillean comforted her.

Her breathing slowly calmed down; Her shaking eased. "Sorry-" she apologized.

"Don't be," Achillean paused, helping Amaya back to her feet. "If you want, we can just skip over the town,"

"No, no I-I'll be fine," her voice became less shaky. "If your sure," Achillean replied turning to leave the stable, Amaya followed behind, she watched as her daughter grabbed Achillean's hand, the Nestoris then picked the child up. A smile formed on the Voltaris' face, "looks like you have a friend," she laughed slightly, still on edge from the panic attack.

The small town was not as busy as she had suspected, most of the humans were too busy doing their own thing to even glance at her, the ones that did shot her looks.

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