Chapter Ⅺ: Death

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trigger warning mentions of blood and torture 


Amaya was dragged down the corridor by a netheran guard. She didn't bother asking why.

The guard tossed her forwards into a room she landed harshly on the brick ground, a loud crack echoing around, the silent room her side exploded with pain. She bit her lip trying to keep herself from crying out.

her hands felt wet and sticky, the metallic smell of blood entered her nose, making her choke.

To make matters worse, she was blind, she pricked her ears hearing bubbling magma to her right. Behind her she could hear footsteps echoing down the hallway behind her.

She suddenly felt very, tiny.


Ingressus had been talking to Tygren. "Why don't I just torture her?"

"You would kill her and I need Amaya alive,"

"Why? She's useless to us."

"Not entirely..." The Voltaris master paused. "She has her uses,"

Tygren rolled his eyes. "Your too soft, you would stop at the first sign that she's really in pain,"

Ingressus growled, Tygren often acted high and mighty around him, the Voltaris wasn't sure if it were because he felt the need to because he was in the presence of the clan Master or because he was just annoying.

A Netheran walked into the room his armor was dark almost black and he had golden lines of lava flowing through him, "the prisoner has been taken to one of the back rooms, directly left from the holding cells,

Ingressus nodded, waving the guard off.

"I thought those rooms were used for-?"

"Yes," Ingressus paused, adding. "The longer he takes to get here, the more pain Amaya will endure,"

"You're trying to spite him..." Tygren grinned. That's something I thought I wouldn't ever see."

Ingressus rolled his eyes. He and Tygren were 'friends' but sometimes the other could be pesky.

"Can I do it?"

"Do what?" Ingressus asked. "Oh, you mean- yeah have at it, but don't kill her-"

"I won't," 

Ingressus watched as Tygren exited, leaving the Voltaris Master alone.

A twinge of guilt attacked him. He brushed it off feeling numb. He turned towards the balcony a lake of fire sat just below, the smell of ash and death was strong, demonic screeches echoed around the vast landscape. His hands grabbed the railing, his knuckles turned white he was grasping it so hard.

The course nether brick crumbled in his hands he watched with narrowed eyes as the dust drifted away from the nether draft.

He narrowed his eyes deep in thought. Did he want Amaya to suffer?

Or was he acting out of spite?

He knew he didn't want to kill Amaya.

He didn't want Ember to lose her mother like he had lost his own family.

He knew Achillean would be here to be the hero and rescue Amaya soon enough.

And soon enough there would be a battle only one of them would stand on top.

Part of Ingressus wished to the stars there could be another way.

But that was not the path they had laid down.

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