Chapter ⅩV: Will of the stars

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Will of the stars.

Ingressus scowled. "What do you mean, the Nether is retreating! We are on the brink of victory!"

"I cannot risk my kingdom to fight a losing battle," Cronos hissed. "You should do the same, your clan will be crushed if you don't back down,"

The Voltaris master narrowed his eyes. He was surprised the Netharan king had even come to Mt. Velgren to talk to him.

"If you retreat, both of our people will suffer-"

"I will not risk the lives of my people to fight a losing battle, our alliance is over," Cronos growled, leaving the cave.

Ingressus inhaled sharply, "Tygren!" he shouted. "Let the rest of the clan know we need to fall back!"

The Voltaris clenched his fists, the cold mountain air entered his lungs, he grabbed both his staff and sword walking out of the cave, in the snowy clearing below a few Voltaris lingered. They could not win this war. Not now.

He narrowed his eyes deep in thought. The Voltaris were notorious for messing with the powers of songs.

Perhaps they couldn't win this war now, with the kingdoms united and powerful.

But when Ardonia was weak and crumbling, that is when they could win.

All they needed was time.

Ingressus glanced towards two large obsidian spires, they resembled a portal slightly.

To someone else, it would look completely normal, with no use.

To the Voltaris, however, this was their ticket to victory.

He and Tygren had talked about this for some time. The portal would send him forwards one hundred and fifty years.

Then he would win the war.

the Voltaris made his way down the mountain.

Soon the rest of Ardonia would be at their doorstep, and when they showed up, it would be a bloodbath.

The Voltaris were greatly outnumbered, but not outmatched, not in the slightest. Before their exile, the Voltaris clan was known for having some of the best-trained warriors.

Nowadays the training they could go through was limited, but they were still a force to be reckoned with.

"Ky'Ingressus-?" A voice said from behind him, it wasn't Tygren, they also had yet to be initiated. he paused, trying to remember their name-Cadmus, yes he was young but bold.

He turned to look at Cadmus. "While you are gone, how will any new clan members be Initiated?"

"Let me show you," he beckoned the young Ardoni forwards, Ingressus took out a small knife he carried on him; he sliced his palm open, red blood dripping onto the snow below.

"Cadmus, do you promise to uphold our code, and protect the clan even at the cost of your life?" He asked.

Cadmus nodded.

"Then I ask the stars to look down upon this clanless Ardoni, that his markings might shine red like the blood our clan has shed," Ingressus squeezed more blood out of his palm the thick liquid dropped on Cadmus' head, and slowly his markings turned from white to red.

The young Ardoni looked at his markings in awe as his once colorless lights turned into a shade of red. "Do you see now?" He asked, feeling the power of a new clan member flood through him from Voltar.

"Yes, thank you, Ky'Ingressus!" Cadmus did a little respectful bow before walking off.

Ingressus continued down the mountain. The trip did not take long.

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