Chapter Ⅻ: Broken Crown

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for this chapter, I would recommend listening to 'you are not alone' by Rok Nardin and Epic Music World.


Broken crown

Heavy is the crown worn by the wrong head.

Ingressus narrowed his eyes glancing at Amaya's Agressum song, the red light pulsed almost like a heartbeat. The Voltaris set the song back down. He closed his eyes deep in thought, his memories and thoughts had been very foggy lately. Behind him, he heard heavy footsteps a Netharan no doubt.

"What did the female Voltaris do?" The Netharan- Vulcannus asked. This question caught the Master off guard, "what is it to you?"

"She seems pretty harmless, not someone who would be of a huge threat to you," Vulcannus' voice was calm and level, the Netharan was normally always that way, always kept his cool.

"she is harmless for the most part," Ingressgus replied. "I have her here in hopes of bringing another,"


"Yes, Achillean,"

"Then why abuse her, why torture her?" Vulcannus took a step closer to the Voltaris but he still kept his distance.

Ingressus turned back to look at Vulcannus, he then realized why the Netharan came, he felt sympathy for her, she had been blinded, tortured, and abused. "To spite him, give him a reason to attack me,"

"So you want to fight him?"

"Of course, I want him dead" Ingressus' voice darkened.

"she is one of your clan, is she not?"

"She is-"

"What kind of leader harms his own people for his own gain,"

Ingressus growled at Vulcannus warning the Netharan, "My own gain?" He spat. "My people have been cast out, hunted, and tortured just because we are Voltaris, I'm doing this for them," Ingressus paused, his eyes narrowing. "One suffering is better than many sufferings,"

Vulcannus did not reply to Ingressus. "You remind me of my father," he began, "always wanting to help his people."

Without another word Vulcannus exited, leaving the Voltaris alone.

Ingressus sighed turning to once again glance around the room, he spotted an old leather-bound book, he ran his hands over the soft frail cover, the edges had been torn and the papers were frayed.

This wasn't just any book.

This was a book he and Achillean used to write in to keep track of things they did.

He turned the pages looking for a certain spot. He stopped his eyes scanning the stained paper.

He had read this page many times, part of him wondered why he even bothered, maybe it was because he still longed to have a friendship with his adversary.

The Voltaris hesitantly began to read.

I almost drowned today, Ingressus and I were training on our rock spire, like normal, I lost my footing and tumbled over the edge, the water- I remember was so cold, my fingers and toes went numb almost at once. My head hit the back of a rock, enough to make me disorientated, if not for Ingressus jumping down after me, I doubt I would be here writing this.

I love him like a brother-

He stopped himself from reading anymore, every time he even looked at the leather-bound book guilt threatened to crush his heart.

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